
History of Æ»¹ûÒùÔº Faculty of Medicine in Montreal

The history of medicine in Montreal and the history of Æ»¹ûÒùÔº are closely intertwined.

The oldest university in Montreal, Æ»¹ûÒùÔº was founded in 1821 thanks to a generous bequest by James Æ»¹ûÒùÔº, a prominent Scottish merchant. The College was established by royal charter granted by King George IV, in 1821. Eight years after it was officially established, "Æ»¹ûÒùÔº College" began holding classes in conjunction with the Montreal Medical Institution which became the college's first academic unit and Canada's first medical school. Four years after classes began, Æ»¹ûÒùÔº awarded its first degree – and Canada's first ever medical degree – to William Leslie Logie. Dr. Logie was Æ»¹ûÒùÔº's only graduate that year.


Click to read a brief history of medicine at Æ»¹ûÒùÔº.

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