
Certificate of Proficiency – English for Professional Communication: Entrance Placement Test (EPT)

Certificate of Proficiency – English for Professional Communication: Entrance Placement Test (EPT)

All new students are required to take an Entrance Placement Test (EPT) to assess their level of proficiency. The EPT is valid for a period of one (1) year from the test date. Students who do not register for a course within this time will be required to retake the EPT.

For information on the Entrance Placement Test dates, please refer to mcgill.ca/continuingstudies/course/ycten-ept.

Programs, Courses and University Regulations—2024-2025 (last updated Aug. 8, 2023) (disclaimer)
École d'éducation permanente—2024-2025 (last updated Aug. 8, 2023) (disclaimer)
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