
A promising discovery in a rare neurodegenerative disease

Published: 5 April 2024

Imagine being middle aged and starting to feel that you are off balance a lot and that you are having a hard time coordinating your movements. Those are among the symptoms of Spinocerebellar ataxia...

Why are some birds more intelligent than others?

Published: 1 August 2022

If you’ve ever seen a starling peck open a garbage bag or a grackle steal your dog pellets, you get a sense that some birds have learned to take advantage of new feeding opportunities – a clear...

No 'Safe Space' for 12 key ocean species on North American West Coast

Published: 28 July 2022

For the generations who grew up watching Finding Nemo, it might not come as a surprise that the North American West Coast has its own version of the underwater ocean highway – the California...

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