Biology Department /newsroom/taxonomy/term/10835/all en A promising discovery in a rare neurodegenerative disease /newsroom/channels/news/promising-discovery-rare-neurodegenerative-disease-356442 <p>Imagine being middle aged and starting to feel that you are off balance a lot and that you are having a hard time coordinating your movements. Those are among the symptoms of Spinocerebellar ataxia type 6, known as SCA6, a rare neurodegenerative disease which typically appears in adulthood and worsens over time. Over time, other problems such as slurred speech and difficulty seeing or seeing double, may also appear. It is estimated that fewer than 5,000 people in the US have the condition, which is the result of genetic mutations in the cerebellum.</p> Wed, 27 Mar 2024 03:17:30 +0000 310391 at /newsroom Why are some birds more intelligent than others? /newsroom/channels/news/why-are-some-birds-more-intelligent-others-340593 <p>If you’ve ever seen a starling peck open a garbage bag or a grackle steal your dog pellets, you get a sense that some birds have learned to take advantage of new feeding opportunities – a clear sign of their intelligence. Scientists have long wondered why certain species of birds are more innovative than others, and whether these capacities stem from larger brains (which intuitively seems likely) or from a greater number of neurons in specific areas of the brain.</p> Mon, 01 Aug 2022 15:18:53 +0000 288279 at /newsroom No 'Safe Space' for 12 key ocean species on North American West Coast /newsroom/channels/news/no-safe-space-12-key-ocean-species-north-american-west-coast-340517 <p>For the generations who grew up watching <i>Finding Nemo</i>, it might not come as a surprise that the North American West Coast has its own version of the underwater ocean highway – the California Current marine ecosystem (CCME). The CCME extends from the southernmost tip of California up through Washington. Seasonal upward currents of cold, nutrient-rich water are the backbone to a larger food web of krill, squid, fish, seabirds and marine mammals. However, climate change and subsequent changes in ocean pH, temperature and oxygen levels are altering the CCME — and not in a good way.</p> Thu, 28 Jul 2022 13:56:58 +0000 288277 at /newsroom Seemingly 'useless' organ makes huge soldier ants /newsroom/channels/news/making-soldier-ants-290511 <p> </p> Wed, 10 Oct 2018 17:11:41 +0000 87919 at /newsroom