
CEC building mockup

Macdonald Farm Community Engagement Centre / Centre d’engagement communautaire de la ferme Macdonald

Honouring the Past, Creating the Future

aerial view of macdonald farmSince its opening as Macdonald College in 1907, Æ»¹ûÒùԺ’s Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences has been at the forefront of education and research in agricultural and life sciences as well as engineering and environmental disciplines. The Macdonald Campus Farm is a symbol of this history of inspired teaching and world-changing research — it is an integral part of what is today the only operating dairy farm remaining on the island of Montreal.

The $8-million dollar Macdonald Farm Community Engagement Centre will introduce new generations to the past, the present and the future of sustainable food production and environmental stewardship, and multiply the farm’s capacity to receive visitors by providing a suitable venue for flexible use, available all year round, and will offer hands-on educational activities and programs to inspire young minds.

The Community Engagement Centre, comprising of the Lorna K. and J. William Ritchie Educational Hall, the Alton and Murray McEwen Visitor Hub, and the Stewart Brown and Anne Myles Brown Food Transformation Laboratory, will serve as home base for educational tours of the farm, including the dairy barn, the new calf barn, and the mini-farm, offering visitors an experience that is both fun and informative.

Help us build a healthy and sustainable food system

little girl smiles next to a cowWorking with educational consultants and on-campus partners such as Æ»¹ûÒùԺ’s Faculty of Education, the Morgan Arboretum and the Lyman Entomological Museum, the Community Engagement Centre team is developing a suite of workshops and labs which connect to the elementary and secondary school curriculum and align with Ministry of Education criteria for science education. These will introduce students to some of today’s complex global issues and challenges, encouraging them to develop an interest in agricultural and environmental sciences.

The Centre will combine tangible, hands-on learning activities with interactive digital tools to offer a comprehensive learning environment. It will also feature exhibits, designed in collaboration with our colleagues at Æ»¹ûÒùÔº and with industry partners, on everything from animal welfare to water resource management to contemporary cheese production.

Be part of this exciting venture and make a difference for generations to come

mock up of the entrance to Communicaty Engagement CentreThe Macdonald Farm Community Engagement Centre forms a unique resource for sharing knowledge about agricultural and environmental sciences with a broader public, and promises to play an important role in attracting the next generation of students and potential researchers in this domain.

We still need your support. We can help thousands of students and community members discover the importance of education and research in agricultural and environmental sciences. We are inviting friends and alumni to support the project and give generously to build on the legacy of the Farm for generations to come.

To learn more about this project, please contact: / Pour en savoir plus, veuillez contacter :

Ron Henry, Senior Development Officer
ron.henry [at] mcgill.ca ´¥Ìý514-398-7695

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