

CON­CUS­SION: An inury to the brain that results in tem­po­rary loss of nor­mal brain func­tion. It is usu­ally caused by a blow to the head. Cuts or bruises may be present on the head or face, but in many cases there are no signs of trauma. Many peo­ple assume that con­cus­sions involve a loss of con­scious­ness, but that is not true. In most cases, a per­son with a con­cus­sion never losses consciousness.

Source: Amer­i­can Asso­ci­a­tion of Neu­ro­log­i­cal Sur­geons

  • Mon­treal Children’s Hos­pi­tal /​Hôpital de Mon­tréal pour enfants. 2018. Canada. 

  • Mayo Clinic. 2020. USA.

  • Med­line Plus. 2019. USA.

  • Cen­ters for Dis­ease Con­trol and Pre­ven­tion. 2020. USA.

  • Head­way. n.d. UK.

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