
Learner and Faculty Awards for Teaching Innovation


As part of an ongoing Proud to Teach campaign in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FMHS), the office of the Vice-Dean Education is continuing its two awards for teaching innovation, one for faculty and teaching staff, and one for learners. The goal of these awards is to recognize innovative teaching strategies that are learning- and learner-focused.

Some examples of innovations could include:

  • Peer-to-peer assessment strategies
  • Strategies to foster active learning
  • Educational innovations with potential to benefit learners from different professional backgrounds, and/or are translatable to other Departments, Schools or Faculties
  • Learner-driven initiatives that promote active learning

Find out more about the recipients of last year鈥檚 awards .


Faculty and teaching staff will be eligible if they meet the following criteria:

  • Are a faculty or teaching staff member in the FMHS
  • Applied a new educational and/or teaching innovation in a course, program, School, Department or Unit within the FMHS in the last two years.

Note: Teams composed of faculty and staff from different FMHS Schools may apply in a single submission.

Learners will be eligible if they meet the following criteria:

  • Are currently enrolled as an undergraduate, graduate, or health professional student or resident in the FMHS
  • Applied an educational and/or teaching innovation for learners in the FMHS (can benefit student beyond the 苹果淫院 FMHS as well).听

Note: Teams composed of learners and faculty/teaching staff from the FMHS may apply in a single submission and will be considered separately for a Learner Award and/or Faculty Award.


Applications must include the following:

  • A completed application: File Innovation Award Nomination Form
  • For Faculty members and teaching staff: Recommendation letter (500 words or less) from department chair, colleague or student(s) (letter of support from student(s) should be from past student(s) only, not current students).
  • For learners: Recommendation letter (500 words or less) from a faculty or staff member (letter of support should not be from a faculty or staff member who is currently teaching or supervising the student).

Please submit application package to:
Patricia Antonelli at听patricia.antonelli [at] mcgill.ca


The deadline for nominations is November 26th, 2023

The award winners will be announced during Teacher Appreciation Week (the first week of February 2024).


A committee of stakeholders, appointed by the Vice-Dean, Education, will select the honorees from among the following criteria:

  • Demonstration of effectiveness of an innovation in teaching or educational practice;
  • Evidence of impact on learners / learning;
  • Sustainability of innovation / likelihood of ongoing impact.


Award winners will be presented with certificates and their innovation and acknowledgement of award will be featured in Health e-News.

Honorees will be notified of the Committee's decision in February 2024.

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