
Information Systems

Information Systems

Analyzing the processes and consequences of adoption, implementation, and changes associated with information technology.

The objectives of the PhD specialization in Information Systems (IS) are to promote theoretical and applied research on topics related to information systems practice with a combined focus on scientific rigour and relevance.聽

Faculty in the IS Area conduct research on diverse topics including the business value and impacts of information technology, managing resistance to information systems implementation, Coordination in fast response organizations, Knowledge management, management of information security, predictive analytics, adoption and impact of healthcare IT, online search and advertising, and social media, by using a variety of methodologies. IS faculty members are funded by external agencies and also enjoy a fruitful working relationship with the business community that provides a rich environment for field research.聽

Current Area Research Topics

  • The Impacts of
    • E-commerce on firms,
    • IT on multinational corporations,
    • IT using a multi-level analysis of slack resources
    • ERP on organizations
    • IT usage on managerial work
    • Electronic integration of health care
    • New digital channel introduction
    • IT outsourcing
    • Software Patents
  • Development of qualitative, interpretive and case methodologies for use in research on how organizations use information technology
  • Understanding and managing resistance to change associated with information systems implementation
  • Practices of fast response organizations
  • Examine Consumer Behavior, Firm鈥檚 Strategies, Impact and Analytics in the Context of
    • Online Dating,
    • Digital Music,
    • Online Search and Advertising,
    • Social Media and
    • Online Platforms for Crowdfunding, Crowdsourcing
  • Healthcare transformation
  • Management of information security
  • Predictive analytics
  • Implementing Enterprise Resources Planning Systems (ERP)
  • IT innovation, IT championship, and IT literacy
  • Adoption of clinical information systems by healthcare professionals
  • Computer supported coordination systems
  • Knowledge management
  • Network perspective of online communities

Typical Course Structure

First Year

Fall semester

INSY 704 Organizational Impacts of Information Technology
MGSC 706 Management Research Statistics
ECON 663 Econometrics I

Winter semester

INSY 706 IT Acceptance and Usage
MGMT 709 Designing for Causal Inference
ECON 663 Econometrics II

Second Year

Fall semester

INSY 709 IT & Digital Economy
INSY 705 Seminar in IS - AI Applications in Information Systems

Winter semester

INSY 705 Seminar in IS - Decision Making with IT
EDPH 689 Teaching and Learning in Higher Education


MGPO 704 Organizational Theory Seminar
MGPO 705 Seminar in Policy
MGPO 706 Perspectives on Innovation
ORGB 708 Social Network Analysis for Social Science Research
POLI 666 Causal Inference for Political Science
ECON 706 Selected Topics
ECON 742 Empirical Microeconomics
MPHE 742 HEC80774411 Theory Building
MPHE 743 HEC80109A Textual Analysis and Psychophysiological Measures
MPHE 745 HEC80-724A Research Methods IT
MPHE 746 HEC8062917A Machine Learning I: Large-Scale Data Analysis and Decision Making

Typical Support Fields

  • Strategy/Organizational Theory
  • Organizational Behaviour
  • Marketing
  • Operations Management
  • Economics and Applied Economics
  • Psychology
  • Sociology
  • Computer Science
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