

Annual Brace Research Day

Research Day

Fourteenth Annual Brace Research Day -March 17, 2016

  • Effect of mulching on growth and Yield of chilli under drip fertigation.
  • Remediation of trichloroethene contaminated water using rhamnolipid coated palladium doped nanoscale zerovalent iron particles.
  • N2O Emissions from Onion Fields Cultivated on Organic Soils under Sprinkler Irrigation in Quebec.
  • Wormhole generation in carbonate zones during CO2-acidized water flow - An added consideration for defining geological storage security.
  • Characterizing components of the organophosphorus pool in Histosols of the Holland Marsh.
  • Streamflow variability in Canada’s pristine rivers and its linkages to climate oscillations.
  • Combating estrogenic endocrine disruptors in untreated wastewater irrigation using sustainable green technology.
  • Use of Super Absorbent Polymers (SAP or hydrogels) and Plantain Peel Biochar (PPB) to Reduce Bioavailability of Cadmium in Potato Plants.
  • Testing various subsurface drainage prediction approaches in an agricultural system model.
  • Statistical modelling of extreme rainfall events: a decision-support tool for rainfall frequency analyses. 
  • Assessment of agricultural stream designs used in maintenance operations in Quebec.
  • Participatory Modelling of Agricultural Systems in Guatemala.
  • Characterization of Silver Nanoparticles in Wastewaters and Understanding their Interaction with the Green Alga, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.
  • Permeability Evolution in Carbonate Rocks Subjected to Triaxial Stresses.

Thirteenth Annual Brace Research Day-March 28, 2014

  • The transport and fate of PVP-coated silver nanoparticles in biofilmladen model groundwater environments.
  • A new methodology for measuring the bacterial attachment to oil-water interfaces Sharmin Sultana.
  • An Analysis of the Hydrology of a Sugarcane Field in Guyana.
  • Improving the Prediction of Nitrogen Mineralization from Manure to Reduce the Risk of Eutrophication.
  • Assessing the influence of geochemical heterogeneity on the mobility of palladium-doped nanosized zero-valent iron (Pd-NZVI) particles in saturated granular matrices.
  • Multisite Downscaling of Daily Temperature Extremes for Climate-related Impact Assessment Studies.
  • Application of Variable Rate Irrigation Technology to Improve Water Conservation and Productivity.

Twelfth Annual Brace Research Day-April 5, 2013

  • Modelling the Impacts of Spatial Heterogeneity in the Castor Watershed on Runoff, Sediment and Phosphorus Loss using SWAT: I. Impacts of Spatial Variability of Soil Properties.
  • Targeting payments for ecosystem services: A reductionist approach for socio-ecological sustainability.
  • Factors affecting the catch rate of American lobster, Homarus americanus, in the eastern Gulf of St. Lawrence.
  • Program of Study – Property for the Anthropocene.
  • Minimizing Foodborne Outbreaks from Contaminated Irrigation Water.
  • An analysis of the drainage requirements and hydrology of a sugar cane field in Guyana.
  • Inactivation Rates of Selected Gram-Positive and Gram-Negative Bacteria Attached to Metal Oxide Surfaces: Role of Solution and Surface Chemistry.
  • Transport of Palladium-Doped Nanosized Zero Valent Iron (Pd-nZVI) Particles in a Model Ground Water Environment: Influence of Water Chemistry and Aquifer Grain Geochemistry.
  • Mixing of a passive scalar emitted from a turbulent jet into a turbulent background.
  • The effects of sulphide and sulphate ions on degradation kinetics of trichloroethylene by nanoscale zero-valent iron 
  • Erosion and stream sedimentation due to pipeline construction in laterite soils- Madagascar 
  • Pilot-scale study of bioremediation of petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated fine-textured soils from a sub-arctic site
  • Phosphorus in runoff and leaching potentially mitigated by biochar application in agricultural fields.
  • Modelling and Analysis of Non-stationary Flood Records in Quebec.

Eleventh Annual Brace Research Day-March 29, 2012

  • Examining the Fate of Metal Oxide Nanoparticles in Water Saturated Soil Environments.
  • Stable isotopes of nitrogen and oxygen to pinpoint the source of soluble and particulate nitrogen losses from agricultural fields.
  • Super-critical exchanges in shallow flows.
  • Uncertainty in Soil Test Phosphorus (STP) Simulation Using Gaussian Sequential Simulation.
  • Statistical Modelling of Extreme Rainfall Process in the Context of Climate Change for South Korea.
  • Positive Correlation between Cellular Levels of Storage Compounds and RNA in Activated Sludge Bacteria.
  • Examining environment and poverty trade-offs in payments for environmental services (PES) from a watershed-scale perspective.
  • Effect of High Temperature due to Joule Heating on Biosolids Electrodewatering Kinetics and Microbial Inactivation.
  • Effect of radiation coefficients on reference evapotranspiration estimation in eastern Canada.
  • Multi-site statistical downscaling of daily temperature extremes for climate-related impact assessment.
  • Assessment of Irrigation and Soil Water Content Capacity on A Vegetable Farm Using an Electromagnetic Inductance Technique.
  • Inter-Basin Water Transfer and its Role In Water Supply for Modern Society.
  • Role of Growth Temperature on the Transport Potential and Viability of the Pathogen Campylobacter jejuni under Model Groundwater Conditions.
  • Simulated versus measured transport of diazepam and iopromide by artificial rainfall in a repacked soil column.
  • New Approach for Reducing Hormones Pollution in Soil.

Tenth Annual Brace Research Day-March 24, 2011

  • A Multiplex Real-Time PCR for Early Detection of Toxigenic Cyanobacteria in Freshwater Bodies.
  • Community Water Supply Schemes: Ensuring that Progress towards the MDG for Water and Sanitation is Sustained.
  • Hydrological Modeling of a Small Agricultural Watershed in India.
  • Do Wastewater Treatment Processes Impact the Virulence Risk of Escherichia coli?
  • Stabilization and transport behavior of palladized zero valent iron nanoparticles in model groundwater environments.
  • The Effect of Freeze-Thaw and Temperature Stress on the transport and survivability of pathogenic Escherichia coli in granular porous media.
  • Mobility of Metal Oxide Nanoparticles in Saturated Granular Porous Media: Influence of Water Chemistry and Particle Coating.
  • Short-term drought forecasting in Ethiopia using wavelet neural networks.
  • Using bacteriophage to capture and kill food and waterborne pathogens. 
  • Effect of Eucalyptus plantations on the hydrology of high Andean catchments
  • On the Range of Applicability of the Piezo-Conduction Equation
  • Understanding substance flows of morphine to the various national aquatic environments

Ninth Annual Brace Research Day-April 13, 2010

  • Biofuels: Next Generation Challenges
  • Water balance and corn yield under water table management scenarios
  • Transport of surface‐modified iron nanoparticles in porous media during groundwater remediation
  • Scheduling irrigation of Processing Tomatoes based on stand-alone continuous soil moisture sensor monitoring
  • Developing Bacteriophage Functionalized Filter Paper.
  • Development and Performance Evaluation of a Computer Program for Calculating Reference Evapotranspiration (COMRET).
  • Biodegradation and microbial activity in petroleum hydrocarbon‐ contaminated soils subjected to seasonal freeze‐thaw temperatures.
  • Household Drinking Water Quality in the Amerindian Community of St. Cuthbert’s Mission, Guyana.
  • Integrated Water Resources Management: To what extent is research in water resources management integrated?
  • Survival of Attached Pathogens in Model Aquatic Environments. 
  • Hydrodynamic Simulations of Flash Flood Using a Minimal Intervention Strategy.
  • Estimation of Point‐ to‐ Area Rainfall Relations in the Context of Climate Change.
  • Pathogen inactivation mechanisms during electro‐dewatering of biosolids from secondary wastewater treatment, Tala Navab Daneshmand

Eighth Annual Brace Research Day-March 27, 2009

  • Performance of a solar air heat recovery system for the ventilation of broilers.
  • Waves Overtopping Levee.
  • A Laboratory Study of Bacterial Pathogen Transport Examining the Importance of Cell Concentration and Media Pre-Coating.
  • Emerging Issues in Local Water Management: Power Balance and Multi-Stakeholders Platforms.
  • Proglacial hydrology and groundwater inputs in a poorly gauged.
  • Developing a Framework for Community Water Strategies in the Caribbean.
  • Towards the Development of Green Plasticizers.
  • Remediation of Chlorinated-Solvent Contaminated Aquifers using Iron Particles.
  • A Statistical Approach to Multi-Site Downscaling of Daily Temperature Extremes.
  • Radial Flow Permeability Testing of Indiana Limestone.
  • Impact of a Changing Climate to Crop Water Requirements in Southern Quebec.
  • Phosphorus Speciation in Agricultural Runoff and Drainage Water in the Pike River Watershed.
  • A Patch Permeability Test: On the Surface Permeability Test of Indiana Limestone.
  • Modélisation de la qualité de l'eau de la rivière aux Brochets à l'aide du modèle SWAT: Calage et influence du climat futur.

Seventh Annual Brace Research Day-February 14, 2008

  • Coastal Erosion by Waves.
  • Environmental Prediction in Canadian Cities: Measuring Montreal and Vancouver's Urban Energy Balance.
  • Studying Bacterial Growth Environmental Biotechnology: How to Use Genomic Data.
  • Examining the Importance of Oxygen Tension on Bacterial Adhesion and Migration in Artificial Groundwaters.
  • From Forest to Lake: An overview of the Effect of Hydroelectric Reservoir Impoundment on CO2 Fluxes.
  • Plant Water Status and Soil Moisture Condition as Indicators of Irrigation Needs of Peaches and Grapes in Southern Ontario. 
  • Removal of Veterinary Antibiotics by a Constructed Wetland. 
  • Implementing Scientific Irrigation Scheduling to Improve the OnFarm Water Use Efficiency.
  • Reuse of Domestic Greywater for Irrigation of Food Crops.
  • A Quartz Crystal Microbalance Based Biosensor for Detection of Pathogenic Bacteria in Water.
  • Nitrate and Orthophosphate Reduction from Agricultural Runoff in a Surface-Flow Constructed Wetland.
  • Optimizing Drain Water Reuse in Greenhouses.
  • Predicting Concentrations of Micropollutants along the Wastewater Treatment and Collection Train: Making a Case for Source Separation.
  • Water and Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Corn under Different Water Table Management Condition.
  • Estimation of Design Storms in Consideration of Climate Variability and Change.

Sixth Annual Brace Research Day-March 22, 2007

  • Measurement of net CO2 exchange using a portable profiling system
  • Role of Natural Organic Matter on the Transport of Anthropogenic Nanomaterials in a Model Subsurface System
  • Global warming impact on frost injuries: new developments for risks projection
  • Techniques for the Characterisation of Attached Nitrifying Biofilm
  • Statistical modelling of daily streamflow processes in consideration of climate change
  • Biogas from organic waste
  • Quantifying Phosphorus Loss through Agricultural Subsurface Drainage Systems
  • Nutrient removal in a small constructed wetland
  • The Effects of Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP) on the Solubility of Phosphorus
  • Optimization of a surface-flow constructed wetland for the treatment of agricultural runoff in colder climates
  • GIS and Remote Sensing in the Sustainable Management of Sugarcane

Fifth Annual Brace Research Day-March 23, 2006

  • Phosphorus Removal Efficiencies in a Pilot Scale Wetland Treating Agricultural Runoff
  • Modeling Surface and Subsurface Nitrogen Transport in an Agricultural Watershed
  • Measuring tillage translocation and erosion by tillage implements common to intensive potato production systems of Atlantic Canada
  • A Decision Support System for Phosphorus Management at the Field and Small Watershed Scale
  • Modelling microorganism transport in riverbank filtration systems. 
  • Adapting to climate change in the water resources sector 
  • Net Ecosystem CO2 Exchange from a Cattail Marsh in Eastern Ontario, Canada.
  • Statistical downscaling of precipitation using NCEP predictors at a local site in QUEBEC
  • Irrigation Scheduling as an Adaptation Measure for the Ontario Fruit Industry to Climate Change
  • Immunogenicity of a Giardia lamblia transmission-blocking DNA vaccine delivered by Salmonella typhimurium (STM1 strain) to the intestinal mucosal immune system.
  • Spatio-temporal distribution of potential aquifer recharge in the Basin of Mexico
  • Statistical Downscaling of Daily Temperature Extremes
  • Expression of a Giardia lamblia Cyst Wall Protein in Lactococccus lactis
  • Solving World Sustainable and Urban Issues through Better Rural Economy

Fourth Annual Brace Research Day-March 24, 2005

  • Macroscopic and Microscopic Aspects of Microbial Transport in Porous Media
  • Phosphate sorption in sandy-loam soil as affected by fertilizer sources
  • Quantifying nitrous oxide emissions from agricultural fields
  • Flow dynamics and sediment transport around paired deflectors for fish habitat enhancement
  • Development of Statistical Downscaling Methods for Simulating the Daily Precipitation at a Local Site.
  • A database management system for groundwater modelling in the Basin of Mexico
  • A Preliminary Study of Karst Surface Features in Support of Groundwater Management (Barbados): Procedures, Challenges, and Perspectives of GIS Application
  • Quantifying tillage translocation and erosion under intensive potato production systems in north-western New Brunswick
  • Legume Production in Central Asia: Effects of Deficit and Alternate Furrow Irrigation on Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) and Green Gram (Vigna radiata)
  • Surface Irrigation for Spreading Dairy Farm Wastewater
  • Modelling Crop Water Requirements for Irrigation Scheduling in Humid Regions
  • Malaria vectors in an irrigated and in a rain-fed district of southern Sri Lanka. 
  • Fate and transport of three herbicides in agricultural soil irrigated with municipal wastewaters.
  • Application of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) to two agricultural fields in the Pike Watershed, Quebec
  • Virtual Competition: Adaptability
  • An Investigative Study on Reed Canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea L.), a Potential Biofuel Crop

Third Annual Brace Research Day-March 18, 2004

  • Legume Production under Water Scarcity in the Aral Sea area
  • A Systematic Assessment of Global Optimization Methods for Conceptual Hydrologic Models Calibration
  • Immunogenicity of a transmission-blocking DNA vaccine encoding the cyst wall protein 2 (Pro-CWP2) of Giardia lamblia.
  • The efficiency of Fall-Banded Urea in Manitoba: Interactive Effects of Application Date and Landscape Position
  • A Solar Radiation Model with a Fourier Transform Approach
  • Water Demand Management in the Caribbean: A Case Study of Barbados
  • Creating a Virtual World
  • The Unexpected Odyssey of an Air Parcel Traversing the Nocturnal Boundary Layer
  • Tertiary Treatment of Municipal Wastewater Using Floodplain Filtration Technique
  • Sediment and Nutrient Removal Efficiencies in a Constructed Wetland in Southern Quebec
  • Use of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing for Identification of Water, Weed and Nitrogen Stress in Corn-Fields of Eastern Canada.
  • Effects of an Entomophilic Parasite Plagiorchis elegans on non-target Insects
  • Salinity Effects on the Root Morphology of Container-Grown Trees in Different Substrates
  • Discriminating Water and Nitrogen Stresses using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing in a Corn Field
  • Transport of Nutrients in Surface and Sub-surface Effluents from Drained Fields in the South of Quebec
  • Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) nodulation and plant growth can be accelerated by preinduced Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. Phaseoli with Genistein and Methyl Jasmonate (MeJA).
  • Surfactants/Ligands to Simultaneously Desorb Soils Heavy Metals and PCBs

Second Annual Brace Research Day-March 20, 2003

  • Red-Breasted Merganser (Mergus Serrator) Brood Movements, Habitat Use, and Survival Rates in Eastern New Brunswick
  • Managing Our Water Resources: The Case for Demand Management
  • Toward a Theoretical Basis for Ecosystem Engineering
  • Nighttime Measurement of Greenhouse Gases over Agricultural Fields
  • A New Method for Defining Regional Homogeneity and Its Application to Extreme Rainfall Estimation for Ungaged Sites
  • Tertiary Treatment of Municipal Wastewater Using Floodplain Filtration Technique
  • The Effectiveness of Polyacrylamide for Short-Term Erosion Control on Steep Slopes
  • Towards Sustainable Water Management in Mexico City
  • Regional Estimation Of Floods for Ungaged Medium-Sized Basins in Quebec
  • Entomological Assessment of Malaria Vectors in Southern Sri Lanka
  • Modelling Phosphorus Dynamics in Tile Drained Fields
  • Nitrogen and Phosphorus Leaching as Influenced by Tillage, Crops and Fertilizer Sources
  • Effects of an Entomophilic Parasite Plagiorchis elegans on an Aquatic Insect Community: An Exercise in Reality Science
  • Combining Crop Growth Modeling with Remote Sensing
  • A Field Filter to Effectively Manage Agricultural Wastewaters
  • Development of User Interface in GIS for Watershed Management
  • The Effect of Bradyrhizobium Japonicum and Methyl Jasmonate (Meja) on Soybean (Glycine Max) Nodulation, Nitrogen Fixation and Grain Yield under Short Season Conditions
  • Genotoxicity of MeHg in wild mink (Mustela vison) and North American river otter (Lutra canadensis).
  • Measuring Greenhouse Gas Emissions at the Farm-Scale Using the Nocturnal Boundary Layer Budget Method
  • Application of Hyper-Spectral Aerial Remote Sensing for Precision Weed and Nitrogen Management in Corn Fields
  • Targeted P Applications Based on Grid Soil Sampling
  • Addressing Water Scarcity and Drought in Central Asia due to Climate Change
  • Assessment of Water Stress on Soybean and the Impact of LCO Spray on that Stress
  • Development of a Quantitative Method to Study Hysteresis Behaviour of Dissolved Ion Transport in Surface Runoff
  • Maize Residue Breakdown and Nitrogen Dynamics under Different Tillage Systems

First Brace Research Day-2002

  • Intra and Inter-Storm Study of Solute Chemical Composition of Overland Flow Water in Two Agricultural Fields
  • Hyperspectral Remote Sensing for Weed and Nitrogen Stress Detection
  • Colour-infrared image of experimental plots indicating the variability in corn growth due to different weed infestations and nitrogen fertilization levels
  • A Fuzzy Cost-Recovery Criterion for Sustainable Rural Water Supply Systems
  • Effect of LCOs on photosynthesis and plant biomass by soybean and corn grown in greenhouse conditions.
  • Experimental studies with Giardia muris cysts in mice mucosally immunized with a CWP2-expressing.
  • Assessment of water stress on soybean and the impact of Lipo-chotooligosaccharides spray application on that stress
  • Feeding behaviour, diving time and group structure of Common Goldeneyes, Bucephala clangula, wintering on the Saint-Lawrence River.
  • Soil quality under long term tillage practices
  • Citric Acid Production by Aspergillus niger for Bioremediation of Heavy Metal Contaminated Soil
  • An optimal design storm pattern for urban runoff estimation in southern Quebec 
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