images /web-services/taxonomy/term/151/all en How (not) to use images /web-services/article/tips/how-not-use-images <p>Most of us understand the benefit of cutting <em>words.</em> From our menus to our content, <a href="/web-services/article/projects-tips/maximizing-website-excellence-through-digital-minimalism">being careful about words pays off in a big way</a>. But what about cutting <em>images</em>? Many site managers are hesitant to give them the axe. But we think you should consider images as part of your next content audit!</p> <p>Here are some arguments we've heard:</p> Mon, 26 Feb 2024 14:27:24 +0000 Heidi Strohl 6395 at /web-services Fantastic (and free!) stock photo resources /web-services/article/beta-inspiration/5-fantastic-and-free-stock-photo-sites <p>Site managers frequently ask us where they can find free, high-resolution images for their WMS sites, so we're always on the lookout for new image resources. Here are some sites we use when working on our own projects.</p> Wed, 28 Feb 2018 16:30:22 +0000 Joyce Peralta, Daniel Zhang 3519 at /web-services