green /tised/taxonomy/term/721/all en Certifications /tised/education/sustainablility-101-toolkit/certification <table class="zero"> <tr> <td> <h2>ISO Standards</h2> <p>ISO develops and publishes International Standards. ISO doesn’t provide certification or conformity assessment. You’ll need to contact an external certification body for that.</p> <p><strong>ISO14000 Environmental management</strong>:</p></td></tr></table> Fri, 27 May 2016 00:57:35 +0000 15312 at /tised Forum Leadership et Innovation 2016 – Place à la relève et à l’exemplarité /tised/channels/event/forum-leadership-et-innovation-2016-place-la-releve-et-lexemplarite-259804 <p><a href="" target="_blank">Durabilys</a> est le tout nouveau rendez-vous annuel de l’industrie québécoise du bâtiment et de l’aménagement durables.</p> Mon, 21 Mar 2016 14:49:34 +0000 15174 at /tised Sustainable Innovation through Green Chemistry /tised/past-events/2016/sustainable-innovation-through-green-chemistry <h2>4th Annual Public Lecture on Sustainable Innovation through Green Chemistry: from clean materials to business success!</h2> <h2><img height="120" width="80" style="line-height: 1.53em; font-size: 1.23em; float: left;" class="file-small lt" src="/tised/files/tised/styles/wysiwyg_small/public/cannon-amy-copy-200x300.jpg?itok=4m_FIX-2" alt="" /></h2> Wed, 16 Dec 2015 20:21:30 +0000 14131 at /tised