hydrology /tised/taxonomy/term/211/all en A vision to integrate interdisciplinary research on climate modelling /tised/chair <p>The endowed TISED Chair in Sustainable Engineering and Design has a critical role in advancing the goals and objectives of TISED through leadership in research, teaching and outreach. The Chair’s research expertise and interests also encourage collaboration with others at our university and beyond. It is, therefore, with great pleasure, that TISED announces its first endowed Chair, <strong>Dr. Laxmi Sushama. </strong><img alt="Dr.</body></html>" /></p> Tue, 07 Mar 2017 22:15:04 +0000 Trottier Institute for Sustainability in Engineering and Design (TISED) 15491 at /tised Glacial retreat impacts on water resources in tropical Andes /tised/channels/event/glacial-retreat-impacts-water-resources-tropical-andes-230577 <p><strong>This seminar given by</strong> <b>Michel </b><strong>Baraër (hydrology professor at the École de technologie Superieure, Montreal), is open to the public.</strong> </p> Tue, 17 Sep 2013 13:02:28 +0000 lauren.penney@mcgill.ca 4827 at /tised