
SP0083: SPF Review

Status: °ä°¿²Ñ±Ê³¢·¡°Õ·¡¶ÙÌýSummer 2012

A collaboration between the leadership of the contributing students’ societies to investigate the effectiveness of the Sustainability Projects Fund (SPF), and document changes to be considered. The outcome will be accessible information on the SPF that will help inform the conversation as it goes to referendum through SSMU and MCSS in November and PGSS in January.ÌýThe costs will cover hiring students or recent alumni to conduct confidential interviews with relevant stakeholders, SPF Working Group members (past and present), document the findings of those conversations, and help compile a 5-10 page report that compliments but does not duplicate the contents of the SPF Annual Reports. These efforts will be coordinated by representative from each society with relevant mandates - i.e., SSMU Sustainability Coordinator, PGSS Environment Commissioner, MCSS Environmental Advisor.

See Also: SPF Reports Page

For further information conerning this project, or to get in touch with its members, please contact the krista.houser [at] mcgill.ca (SPF Administration Team).

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