
CEFN 211 Functional French Grammar/Writing 1 (3 credits)

Offered by: Global & Strategic Comm. (School of Continuing Studies)


French Communication : Designed for students at a Low Intermediate level wishing to acquire competency in reading and writing at this level. Vocabulary and grammar through written/oral exercises and communicative activities embedded in social/work related situations, including linguistic accuracy needed in socio-cultural settings and in professional life. / Ce cours s'adresse aux 茅tudiants de niveau interm茅diaire bas qui veulent d茅velopper, en compr茅hension et expression 茅crites, une comp茅tence propre 脿 ce niveau. L'茅tude du vocabulaire et de la grammaire se fait par le biais d'exercices 茅crits et oraux, ainsi que par des activit茅s communicatives men茅es dans un contexte socioculturel et professionnel. L'accent est mis sur la pr茅cision linguistique requise pour 锚tre efficace en soci茅t茅 et au travail.

Terms: Fall 2024, Winter 2025

Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.

  • 39 hours

  • Prerequisite: CEFN 106 AND CEFN 107, or Entrance Placement Test, or Permission of the Director.

  • Corequisite: CEFN 212

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