
Susan Rvachew, Ph.D.

Academic title(s): 


Susan Rvachew, Ph.D.
Contact Information
Email address: 
susan.rvachew [at] mcgill.ca

BSc Speech Pathology and Audiology, University of Alberta
MSc & PhD Experimental Psychology, University of Calgary

Research areas: 
Bilingual learners and speakers
Hearing impaired
Speech-sound / phonological disorders
Typically-developing infants and children
Current research: 

Research interests are focused on phonological development and disorders with specific research topics including: the role of speech perception development in sound production learning; speech development in infancy; efficacy of interventions for phonological disorders; and computer applications in the treatment of phonological disorders. Current projects include a longitudinal investigation of deficits in phonological awareness skills in pre-schoolers with delayed phonological development, relationship between auditory attention and babbling skills in infants with early onset otitis media, and cross-linguistic differences in the acoustic characteristics of vowels produced by infants.

Selected publications: 

Core and Clinical Faculty
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