undergraduate students /science/taxonomy/term/3575/all en Pre-Startup Skills: Workshop #2 – Design Thinking Methodology /science/channels/event/pre-startup-skills-workshop-2-design-thinking-methodology-358776 <p>The learning objective of this workshop is to understand the fundamentals of the Design Thinking Methodology and how it promotes innovation.            </p> Fri, 23 Aug 2024 14:05:23 +0000 admin 988955 at /science Pre-Startup Skills: Workshop #3 – Introduction to Industry Analysis /science/channels/event/pre-startup-skills-workshop-3-introduction-industry-analysis-358777 <p>This workshop will introduce the fundamental tool of Industry Analysis which companies use for strategy development. For startups, understanding the industry is a critical step in determining market entry and market positioning.</p> Fri, 23 Aug 2024 14:06:52 +0000 admin 988956 at /science Pre-Startup Skills: Workshop #4 - Market Research and Analysis of Competition /science/channels/event/pre-startup-skills-workshop-4-market-research-and-analysis-competition-358778 <p>This workshop will provide an overview of the different types of market research, how to analyze the competition, and the resources available at Æ»¹ûÒùÔº to perform market research.</p> Fri, 23 Aug 2024 14:07:58 +0000 admin 988957 at /science Pre-Startup Skills: Workshop #5 – Foundations of IP and Patent Searching /science/channels/event/pre-startup-skills-workshop-5-foundations-ip-and-patent-searching-358779 <p>This workshop will demystify and explain the various form of intellectual property (IP), namely, patents, industrial designs, copyright, trademarks, and trade secrets.</p> Fri, 23 Aug 2024 14:09:13 +0000 admin 988958 at /science Pre-Startup Skills: Workshop #6 - Customer Discovery /science/channels/event/pre-startup-skills-workshop-6-customer-discovery-358780 <p>This workshop will provide an overview of the customer discovery process and then delve deeper into how to conduct customer interviews and how to iterate on your business model or lean canvas.</p> Fri, 23 Aug 2024 14:10:31 +0000 admin 988959 at /science Pre-Startup Skills: Workshop #1 - Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship 101 /science/channels/event/pre-startup-skills-workshop-1-technological-innovation-and-entrepreneurship-101-358775 <p>This workshop will provide an overview of what technological innovation and entrepreneurship are as well as an overview of the Entrepreneurial Mindset, the Lean Launchpad methodology, the Business Model Canvas, and the Lean Canvas.</p> Fri, 23 Aug 2024 14:03:50 +0000 admin 988954 at /science Application Deadline: TechAccel Program Fall 2024 /science/channels/event/application-deadline-techaccel-program-fall-2024-358176 <h2>Application Deadline: September 8, 2024, at 11:59 PM ET - <a href="https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=cZYxzedSaEqvqfz4-J8J6o5YbLggnItNohh2-3xWiFRUN0Q0OE83V0RFNUJSNzZERDExV1FVTExWUy4u">Apply Here.</a></h2> Thu, 01 Aug 2024 14:27:32 +0000 admin 988708 at /science Faculty of Science Excellence Award winners announced /science/channels/news/faculty-science-excellence-award-winners-announced-339698 <h2><b>2022 award winners</b></h2> <p><em>The Faculty of Science Excellence Awards recognize outstanding performance and contributions made by members of the Faculty’s administrative and support staff classified in four categories: Academic Associate, Clerical, Management, and Technical. The committee, comprised of staff members from each department, received nominations for three of these categories. </em></p> Fri, 27 May 2022 19:08:57 +0000 jeremy.audet@mcgill.ca 824268 at /science Announcing Summer 2021 Undergraduate Research Opportunities /science/channels/news/announcing-summer-2021-undergraduate-research-opportunities-328710 <p>There are currently three undergraduate research funding opportunities for Summer 2021: <b>SURA, NSERC USRA, </b>and<b> Schull Yang International Experience Awards.</b> These allow students to engage in a full-time summer research activity, and to gain research experience in an exciting academic setting, while receiving financial support.  These are open to all B.Sc. and B.A. & Sc. students in the Faculty of Science. For Summer 2021, the Faculty of Science requires all project proposals to include a project the student can start and finish remotely.</p> Fri, 19 Feb 2021 20:38:22 +0000 admin 673568 at /science