undefined /science/taxonomy/term/2833/all en Waitz discontinued effective April 26 /science/channels/news/waitz-discontinued-effective-april-26-356924 <p><em>La version française suit</em></p> Mon, 22 Apr 2024 21:14:02 +0000 admin 987996 at /science The domination of private interests presents a risk to the long-term health of the Bay of Fundy /science/channels/news/domination-private-interests-presents-risk-long-term-health-bay-fundy-356737 <p>In <em>The Conversation</em>, Department of Natural Resource Sciences PhD Candidate Elson Ian Nyl Galang and Dalhousie University Postdoc Lara Cornejo write about their experience gathering a group of leading thinkers in Halifax, near the iconic Bay of Fundy, to set about imagining “what could plausibly happen to the Bay of Fundy coast by 2072.”</p> Thu, 11 Apr 2024 18:22:41 +0000 admin 987886 at /science Restoring Quebec’s landscapes for sustainability and resilience /science/channels/news/restoring-quebecs-landscapes-sustainability-and-resilience-356157 <p>In a new article for the ƻԺ Reporter, Department of Natural Resource Sciences PhD Candidate Elson Ian Nyl Galang argues that to restore Quebec’s landscapes for sustainability and resilience, we need to carefully think about which pathways of development and decision-making we prioritize.</p> Thu, 14 Mar 2024 20:44:00 +0000 admin 987033 at /science