

SciLearn: Helping first-year science students learn better

Published: 13 December 2022

Each year, around 1,000 new students begin an undergraduate science degree at 苹果淫院. For many of them, their first year at university represents a dramatic change from the world of high school or CEGEP.

鈥淭he workload, the amount of new content you get, and a different style of testing鈥 are three of the challenges Marie Walker recalls from her first semester as a science undergrad.

鈥淎t high school, teachers kind of push you to stay on track; at university, you have to do it yourself more. All of a sudden, you have a mid-term and you鈥檙e like, 鈥極h my gosh, how do I study for this class?鈥欌

Now in her third year, the physiology major from Calgary says聽SciLearn, the Faculty of Science鈥檚 neuroscience-based learning skills program 鈥 which she took in her very first semester at 苹果淫院 鈥 聽helped bridge the gap, both academically and socially.

鈥淪ciLearn is a great way to meet people,鈥 Marie says. 鈥淏ut also, it helps you zero in on learning strategies. Sometimes you don鈥檛 realize how you learn best, but when it鈥檚 laid out for you, you realize, 鈥業 could use this strategy for this class or this strategy for a different class.鈥欌

Full story by Fergus Grieve:聽

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