climate change /rnwps/taxonomy/term/56/all en Gendered experience of disaster: Women’s account of evacuation, relief and recovery in Nepal | International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction /rnwps/channels/news/gendered-experience-disaster-womens-account-evacuation-relief-and-recovery-nepal-international-337844 <p>February 4, 2022 | This paper presents an in-depth analysis of women earthquake survivors during and after the 2015 earthquake in Nepal by looking at women’s experience of evacuation, relief, and recovery. In particular, it examines how gender intersects with socio-economic factors such as citizenship, caste, ethnicity, income, debt, and location to shape women’s disaster experience.</p> <p><a href="">Access the article.</a></p> Mon, 21 Feb 2022 14:07:25 +0000 714 at /rnwps Muzna Dureid on Canada’s Response to Climate Refugees | The Local Engagement Refugee Research Network /rnwps/channels/news/muzna-dureid-canadas-response-climate-refugees-local-engagement-refugee-research-network-336517 <p>November 24, 2021 | RN-WPS Youth Advisory Board member Muzna Dureid explains why Canada should modernize its immigration policy to respond to people displaced by climate change.</p> <p><a href="">Read the article.</a></p> Mon, 17 Jan 2022 09:07:44 +0000 706 at /rnwps Global cities will be epicentres of gendered climate insecurity: why we must foreground women in urban climate security policy | The London School of Economics and Political Science /rnwps/channels/news/global-cities-will-be-epicentres-gendered-climate-insecurity-why-we-must-foreground-women-urban-335180 <p>November 3, 2021 | As the 26<sup>th</sup> UN Climate Change Conference takes place in Glasgow, Maryruth Belsey Priebe and Tevvi Bullock ask is there adequate attention to gender in urban-climate-conflict discussions, pledges, and policies? Their blog is evidence of why the gender-climate-security nexus is critical for countries to be better prepared to deal with climate change.</p> <p><a href="">Read the article.</a></p> Thu, 25 Nov 2021 21:46:48 +0000 700 at /rnwps