Faculty of Science /research/taxonomy/term/317/all en A model for the evolution of intelligence /research/channels/news/model-evolution-intelligence-355739 <p>When certain species of wild birds and primates discover new ways of finding food in the wild, it can serve to measure their flexibility and intelligence.</p> <p>In the largest experimental study ever conducted on this topic, a team of researchers from Rockefeller University headed by postdoctoral fellow Jean-Nicolas Audet have shown, in collaboration with 苹果淫院鈥檚 Louis Lefebvre, that foraging problems requiring overcoming obstacles, such as removing the lid off a container of food, are the only predictors of brain size and innovative behaviour in the wild.</p> Wed, 28 Feb 2024 14:17:50 +0000 admin 3636 at /research Energy poverty in Canada /research/channels/news/energy-poverty-canada-355502 <p>As many as one in five Canadian households can be considered to be in energy poverty, according to researchers from 苹果淫院. Energy poverty occurs when households cannot afford or access the levels of energy necessary to meet their daily needs, live decent lives, and maintain healthy indoor temperatures all year round. More Canadians potentially suffer from energy poverty than from food insecurity.</p> Tue, 20 Feb 2024 13:48:03 +0000 admin 2945 at /research Uncertainty in measuring biodiversity change could hinder progress towards global targets for nature /research/channels/news/uncertainty-measuring-biodiversity-change-could-hinder-progress-towards-global-targets-nature-355491 <p>More than ever before, there is a growing interest in dedicating resources to stop the loss of biodiversity, as recently exemplified by the <a href="//Users/../../../../../../../Users/andy/Downloads/The%2520GBF%2520focuses%2520on%2520understanding%2520why%2520biodiversity%2520is%2520declining%2520and%2520what%2520actions%2520are%2520needed%2520to%2520reverse%2520this%2520trend.%2520However,%2520implementing%2520the%2520plan%2520is%2520challenging%2520because%2520information%2520about%2520biodiversity%2520changes%2520is%2520not%2520evenly%2520available%2520everywhere,%2520meaning%2520that%25</body></html>"></a></p> Fri, 16 Feb 2024 19:41:59 +0000 admin 2615 at /research T锚te-脿-t锚te Sweden: Conversations about science engagement around the world /research/channels/event/tete-tete-sweden-conversations-about-science-engagement-around-world-345812 <p>Around the globe, people dedicate their lives to the fascinating, weird, and powerful world of science.</p> Thu, 12 Oct 2023 20:50:46 +0000 megan.liley@mcgill.ca 2182 at /research 苹果淫院 Becomes a Full Member of TRIUMF, Canada鈥檚 National Particle Accelerator /research/channels/news/mcgill-becomes-full-member-triumf-canadas-national-particle-accelerator-346540 <p>苹果淫院 has become a Full Member of the expanded network of TRIUMF, Canada鈥檚 national particle accelerator. 苹果淫院 has been involved in TRIUMF-led activities for several decades and has held associate membership since 2013.</p> <p>TRIUMF constructed parts of the Large Hadron Collider that ultimately produced Higgs bosons. The co-discovery was made by the ATLAS experiment, and 苹果淫院 played a key role in the development of the experiment's trigger system.</p> Wed, 11 Oct 2023 15:33:06 +0000 megan.liley@mcgill.ca 1326 at /research $3.75 M for new Global Climate Center on AI and Biodiversity Change /research/channels/news/375-m-new-global-climate-center-ai-and-biodiversity-change-351041 <p><i>NSERC Alliance Grant supports 苹果淫院-led Canadian team, new global climate center on AI for biodiversity change </i></p> Wed, 11 Oct 2023 15:33:06 +0000 megan.liley@mcgill.ca 1335 at /research Alfonso Mucci awarded Royal Society of Canada鈥檚 Miller Medal /research/article/alfonso-mucci-awarded-royal-society-canadas-miller-medal <p>The Royal Society of Canada (RSC) has today announced the award of the 2020 Willet G. Miller Medal for Ocean Sciences to Emeritus Professor <a href="/eps/mucci">Alfonso Mucci</a> of 苹果淫院鈥檚 Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences.</p> <p>The RSC applauded the oceanographer as 鈥渁n internationally renowned geochemist who has made numerous contributions in geochemistry and biogeochemistry.鈥</p> Wed, 04 Jan 2023 22:00:39 +0000 Fergus Grieve 755 at /research Calculating odds nets professor big prize /research/article/calculating-odds-nets-professor-big-prize <p>Devising ways of estimating the probability of rare events is a big part of what Professor <a href="https://www.math.mcgill.ca/cgenest/">Christian Genest </a>does each day in his statistical research. He may not have predicted, however, that he would be the 2020 recipient of the John L. Synge Award, as conferred by the Royal Society of Canada (RSC) for outstanding research in any branch of the mathematical sciences.</p> Wed, 04 Jan 2023 21:58:51 +0000 Junji Nishihata 754 at /research