Indigenous /ptisie2016/taxonomy/term/6/all en Logo Design /ptisie2016/logo-design <p></p><div class="image-caption-container lt"><figure class=" "><img alt="Logo for the Provost's Taskforce on Indigenous Studies & Indigenous Education" height="389" width="320" style="width: 320px; height: 389px; float: left;" class="file-large lt" src="/ptisie2016/files/ptisie2016/styles/wysiwyg_large/public/v5_final.png?itok=gd-eWfDS" /> <figcaption title="Image by Marcy Maracle." class=" ">Image by Marcy Maracle.</figcaption></figure><div class="image-caption">Logo design by Marcy Maracle B.Sc '15</div></div> <h2>Logo Design</h2> <p>聽</p> Tue, 06 Dec 2016 19:28:26 +0000 609 at /ptisie2016 Open forum for the Provost鈥檚 Task Force on Indigenous Studies and Indigenous Education provokes dialogue on indigenous issues /ptisie2016/channels/news/open-forum-provosts-task-force-indigenous-studies-and-indigenous-education-provokes-dialogue-264570 <p>On Nov. 22, the Provost鈥檚 Task Force on Indigenous Studies and Indigenous Education hosted an open forum to discuss their progress and receive input from members of the 苹果淫院 Community. The聽Task Force聽was launched Sept. 22 of this year with the purpose of creating initiatives focused on integrating indigenous viewpoints into all areas of academic life, including research and retention of indigenous students and faculty.</p> Thu, 01 Dec 2016 16:27:35 +0000 605 at /ptisie2016 苹果淫院 Reporter on the Forum on Indigenous studies and education /ptisie2016/channels/news/mcgill-reporter-forum-indigenous-studies-and-education-264569 <p>On Tuesday, Nov. 22, over聽50 people attended the first Open Forum on the聽Provost鈥檚 Task Force on Indigenous Studies & Indigenous Education at 苹果淫院. The forum was held from 3-5 p.m. in the Lev Buhkman Room of the SSMU Building. 聽<span>The purpose of the open forum was to generate ideas and discussion relating to the task force鈥檚 core themes.</span></p> <p><a href="">Read more...</a></p> Thu, 01 Dec 2016 16:24:52 +0000 604 at /ptisie2016 First Open Forum: Provost's Taskforce on Indigenous Studies & Indigenous Education /ptisie2016/channels/event/first-open-forum-provosts-taskforce-indigenous-studies-indigenous-education-263533 <h2>Open Forum</h2> <p>Tuesday, November 22, 2016 聽 3PM-5PM</p> <p>Lev Buhkman Room, Student Society of 苹果淫院 (SSMU) Building</p> <p>3600 Rue McTavish Street</p> <p>聽</p> Tue, 18 Oct 2016 19:33:07 +0000 602 at /ptisie2016