writing /ose/taxonomy/term/75/all en Writing in Earth and Planetary Sciences Annotated Bibliography /ose/resources/writing-earth-and-planetary-sciences-annotated-bibliography <p><img alt="Hand holding a pen about to write on a piece of lined paper" data-fid="399" src="/ose/files/ose/writing_-_rounded.jpg" style="height:150px; width:150px" /></p> <h5>Writing in Earth and<br /> Planetary Sciences<br /> Annotated Bibliography</h5> <p>This annotated bibliography of writing activities in the geosciences is compiled from a search of peer-reviewed articles.</p> <div class="bl-tpl"><a class="button--outline" href="/ose/files/ose/eps_lc_annotated_bib.pdf">Learn more</a></div> Mon, 19 Feb 2024 17:51:04 +0000 lynne.mullings@mcgill.ca 6767 at /ose