Sydney Wasserman /nursing/taxonomy/term/9985/all en Students Put Advocacy into Practice /nursing/article/students-put-advocacy-practice <p><i>When Ingram School of Nursing (ISoN) master’s student Samantha Wiesenfeld was hired at a Montreal hospital, she was shocked to discover that her starting salary would not be at echelon 7, as had been the practice for decades, but at echelon 1, representing a 20% decrease in pay. Upon further investigation, she discovered that the Ministry of Health and Social Services had negotiated that regardless of education level, all newly hired nurses who received their licenses after December 12, 2022, would start at the lowest echelon on a pay scale that was already the lowest in Canada.</i></p> Sun, 07 May 2023 13:21:13 +0000 Hena Kon 32088 at /nursing