ƻԺ Department of Psychiatry /newsroom/taxonomy/term/8542/all en Cognitive Aging Research: Agreeing on Key Terms’ Definitions /newsroom/channels/news/cognitive-aging-research-agreeing-key-terms-definitions-290532 <p>Interpreting age-related changes and differences in brain structure, activation and functional connectivity is an ongoing challenge. Ambiguous terminology is a major source of this challenge. For example, the terms “compensation”, “maintenance”, and “reserve” are used in different ways by researchers. Most of the time, they disagree about the kind of evidence or patterns of results required to interpret findings related to these concepts.</p> <p> </p> Thu, 11 Oct 2018 16:06:59 +0000 jessica.goodsell@mcgill.ca 88187 at /newsroom PSYCHOLOGY TODAY: It’s Time to Stop Blaming Men for Their Mental Health Woes /newsroom/channels/news/psychology-today-its-time-stop-blaming-men-their-mental-health-woes-287602 <blockquote> <p><span>"This is men's health week, a chance to renew thinking about men's mental health.</span></p></blockquote> Mon, 11 Jun 2018 20:11:07 +0000 vincent.allaire@mcgill.ca 44632 at /newsroom Floods in Quebec /newsroom/channels/news/floods-quebec-268053 <p><strong><a href="http://www.douglas.qc.ca/researcher/suzanne-king?locale=en">Suzanne King</a>, Department of Psychiatry, ƻԺ and Douglas Institute</strong><br /> <br /> She can talk about the importance of keeping pregnant women away from stress, for themselves and their baby. Professor King is a specialist in prenatal maternal stress. She began the Iowa Flood Study right after major flooding in this US state in June 2008. Her group added disaster questionnaires to an existing study of pregnant women for whom mental health data had been collected prior to the flooding.</p> Tue, 09 May 2017 17:51:46 +0000 priya.pajel@mail.mcgill.ca 28624 at /newsroom Targeting the biological clock could slow the progression of cancer /newsroom/channels/news/targeting-biological-clock-could-slow-progression-cancer-266413 <p>Does the biological clock in cancer cells influence tumour growth? Yes, according to a study conducted by Nicolas Cermakian, a professor in ƻԺ’s Department of Psychiatry.</p> <p>Published in the journal <em>BMC Biology</em>, these results show for the first time that directly targeting the biological clock in a cancerous tumour has an impact on its development.</p> Wed, 15 Feb 2017 19:02:51 +0000 priya.pajel@mail.mcgill.ca 26716 at /newsroom Men have a lot to learn about their own fertility /newsroom/channels/news/men-have-lot-learn-about-their-own-fertility-264299 <p>The first large-scale study of its kind has revealed that Canadian men generally lack knowledge about the risk factors contributing to male infertility. Research led by Dr. Phyllis Zelkowitz, head of psychosocial research at the Lady Davis Institute of the Jewish General Hospital, found that men could only identify about 50% of the potential risks and medical conditions that are detrimental to their sperm count and, thus, their prospects to father children.</p> Tue, 22 Nov 2016 17:09:01 +0000 priya.pajel@mail.mcgill.ca 26419 at /newsroom