interest rates /newsroom/taxonomy/term/4442/all en Interest rates - Bank of Canada meeting (July 12, 2017) /newsroom/channels/news/interest-rates-bank-canada-meeting-july-12-2017-268893 <p>“For months the consensus has been that interest rates in Canada would remain stable right into 2018. Now Bank of Canada governor Stephen Poloz and his colleagues are dropping broad hints that the central bank will move a lot sooner, perhaps as early as next Wednesday’s meeting.” (<a href="">Toronto Star</a>)</p> Mon, 10 Jul 2017 19:36:32 +0000 32056 at /newsroom Japan adopts negative interest rate /newsroom/channels/news/japan-adopts-negative-interest-rate-258219 <p>"In a surprise move, the Bank of Japan has introduced a negative interest rate. <span>The benchmark rate of -0.1% means that commercial banks will be charged by the central bank for some deposits." (Source: <a href="">BBC</a>)</span></p> Fri, 29 Jan 2016 21:11:29 +0000 25195 at /newsroom US Interest Rates /newsroom/channels/news/us-interest-rates-257339 <p>The U.S. central bank began raising interest rates Dec. 16 from record lows, as it hiked its benchmark rate by a quarter of a percentage point. (Source: <a href="">CBC</a>)</p> <hr /> <h3><a href="">Chris Ragan</a>, Department of Economics</h3> <blockquote> <p>“Increases in the policy interest rate in the United States will reflect the data showing that the U.S.</p> <p>Economy is really strengthening, after years of a sluggish recovery.</p></blockquote> Wed, 16 Dec 2015 17:44:02 +0000 25042 at /newsroom