federal election /newsroom/taxonomy/term/16410/all en Expert: Strength of a party's climate change plan could help influence federal election results /newsroom/channels/news/expert-strength-partys-climate-change-plan-could-help-influence-federal-election-results-333501 <p>Climate change is a hot-button issue in this federal campaign, and data shows that a party’s environmental strategy could help influence its results in at least 9 ridings where races were neck-and-neck in the last election. Environics Analytics analyzed all 338 Canada’s federal electoral districts and found environmental issues are important to a wide swath of Canadians. The data and analytics firm found that voters in 46 ridings had above average concerns – compared to the national average – for the way their lifestyles have an impact on the world around them.</p> Fri, 17 Sep 2021 16:04:51 +0000 frederique.mazerolle@mcgill.ca 275599 at /newsroom Expert: Involvement of rural communities crucial for Canada’s recovery /newsroom/channels/news/expert-involvement-rural-communities-crucial-canadas-recovery-333437 <p>As the federal election campaign heats up, the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) is calling on all parties to work with cities and communities of all sizes to drive a stronger, more inclusive nationwide recovery—releasing a package of achievable frontline solutions to pressing challenges, from job creation to climate change to the housing crisis. (<a href="https://fcm.ca/en/news-media/news-release/election-2021-municipalities-lay-out-frontline-solutions" rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank">FCM</a>) </p> Thu, 16 Sep 2021 16:53:44 +0000 frederique.mazerolle@mcgill.ca 275411 at /newsroom Expert: Sikh-Canadians to play an integral part to Canadian election outcome /newsroom/channels/news/expert-sikh-canadians-play-integral-part-canadian-election-outcome-333327 <p>NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh has emerged as the most likable of the federal party leaders as Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau’s popularity sinks amid the election campaign, a new poll suggests. The Ipsos poll conducted exclusively for Global News found Singh was the only party leader who was viewed more positively than negatively, with 45 per cent approval versus 39 per cent disapproval among those surveyed. (<a href="https://globalnews.ca/news/8145113/canada-election-ipsos-leadership-singh/" target="_blank">Global News</a>)</p> Wed, 15 Sep 2021 15:18:46 +0000 frederique.mazerolle@mcgill.ca 275207 at /newsroom Expert: Main federal parties all say they'll make housing more affordable /newsroom/channels/news/expert-main-federal-parties-all-say-theyll-make-housing-more-affordable-333302 <p>Canadian voters will be hearing a similar message from each of the major federal parties during the current election campaign: housing has grown too expensive, and we have a plan to fix it. The consensus reflects the increasingly dire state of housing in Canada, experts say, which affects everyone from prospective homeowners feeling squeezed out of the market to lower-income families languishing on waiting lists for affordable housing. (<a href="https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/affordable-housing-2021-election-1.6145799" target="_blank">CBC News</a>)</p> Wed, 15 Sep 2021 13:21:29 +0000 frederique.mazerolle@mcgill.ca 275187 at /newsroom