climate change policy /newsroom/taxonomy/term/12076/all en Expert: Strength of a party's climate change plan could help influence federal election results /newsroom/channels/news/expert-strength-partys-climate-change-plan-could-help-influence-federal-election-results-333501 <p>Climate change is a hot-button issue in this federal campaign, and data shows that a party’s environmental strategy could help influence its results in at least 9 ridings where races were neck-and-neck in the last election. Environics Analytics analyzed all 338 Canada’s federal electoral districts and found environmental issues are important to a wide swath of Canadians. The data and analytics firm found that voters in 46 ridings had above average concerns – compared to the national average – for the way their lifestyles have an impact on the world around them.</p> Fri, 17 Sep 2021 16:04:51 +0000 275599 at /newsroom Experts: United States set to rejoin the Paris Climate Agreement /newsroom/channels/news/experts-united-states-set-rejoin-paris-climate-agreement-327902 <p>U.S. President Joe Biden returned the United States to the worldwide fight to slow global warming in one of his first official acts Wednesday and immediately launched a series of climate-friendly efforts that would transform how Americans drive and get their power. Biden signed an executive order rejoining the Paris climate accord within hours of taking the oath of office, fulfilling a campaign pledge. (<a href="" target="_blank">CTV News</a>)</p> Thu, 21 Jan 2021 20:09:12 +0000 256404 at /newsroom Christopher Barrington-Leigh /newsroom/christopher-barrington-leigh Thu, 20 Feb 2020 20:19:36 +0000 199146 at /newsroom