Early Drug Discovery Unit /neuro/taxonomy/term/908/all en Ramping up research /neuro/article/research/ramping-research Restrictions on research are gradually being lifted at The Neuro, but the effects of the pandemic will be felt for a long time. Mon, 06 Jul 2020 11:55:29 +0000 Shawn Hayward 4668 at /neuro Passion for science leads Rhalena Thomas to The Neuro to find a cure for Parkinson's disease /neuro/article/open-science-research/passion-science-leads-rhalena-tomas-neuro-find-cure-parkinsons-disease Dr. Rhalena Thomas is an HBHL Postdoctoral Fellow who uses computational biology to study genes implicated in Parkinson’s disease. Fri, 20 Dec 2019 02:04:41 +0000 Healthy Brains for Healthy Lives Trainees 4225 at /neuro Thomas Durcan receives first ever Reitman prize /neuro/article/open-science/thomas-durcan-receives-first-ever-reitman-prize Foundational award will go to researchers who have shown impactful and open scientific practices Fri, 06 Dec 2019 19:30:11 +0000 Shawn Hayward 4197 at /neuro Open Science connects patients and researchers at The Neuro /neuro/article/open-science-research/open-science-platforms-connect-patients-and-researchers-neuro Mahdieh Tabatabaei puts Open Science research into action Thu, 21 Nov 2019 20:45:06 +0000 Trisha Rao and Thomas Durcan 4175 at /neuro Thomas Durcan uses Open Science to make his work accessible and intelligible /neuro/article/open-science/tom-durcan-uses-open-science-make-his-work-accessible-and-intelligible His efforts are centered on the belief that Open Science can make the research endeavour more efficient and transparent Thu, 26 Sep 2019 19:59:43 +0000 Open Research Funding Group 4027 at /neuro Why I'm giving my data away /neuro/article/open-science-research/why-im-giving-my-data-away There hasn't been a breakthrough in Parkinson's research since the 1960s. That’s why Thomas Durcan is making his lab's methods available to anyone who wants them. Mon, 08 Jul 2019 19:18:25 +0000 Thomas Durcan 3889 at /neuro Opening science for patients /neuro/article/open-science-patients-research/opening-science-patients Ben Stecher thinks researchers have a moral obligation to share data Wed, 03 Jul 2019 14:52:31 +0000 Shawn Hayward 3878 at /neuro $4M for open science drug screening /neuro/article/open-science-research/4m-open-science-drug-screening Funds will support development of precision therapies for ALS and Parkinson’s disease Mon, 03 Jun 2019 19:39:22 +0000 Shawn Hayward 3845 at /neuro Accelerating drug discovery with Open Science /neuro/article/open-science-stories-research-stories/accelerating-drug-discovery-open-science The Neuro's drug discovery initiative supports research by developing assays shared with the scientific community Thu, 28 Mar 2019 16:45:31 +0000 Patrick Mcdonagh 3468 at /neuro Nguyen-Vi Mohamed is NeuroXXceptional /neuro/article/neuroxxceptional-stories-research-stories/nguyen-vi-mohamed Dr. Nguyen-Vi Mohamed, postdoctoral fellow at The Neuro, loves her work in the fascinating world of mini brains, miniature balls of human brain cells smaller than a pea. Tue, 19 Mar 2019 16:15:49 +0000 Anita Kar 3439 at /neuro The past meets the future /neuro/article/research-stories/past-meets-future-0 When I walk the halls of The Neuro these days, I see many new faces. There is a buzz in the air, a renewed energy that makes me feel like the future of neuroscience is right here, under our roof. Mon, 09 Apr 2018 20:59:59 +0000 Dr. Guy Rouleau 3015 at /neuro MNI Open Research: bringing a new level of transparency to neurological research /neuro/article/mni-open-research-bringing-new-level-transparency-neurological-research Guy Rouleau introduces the first articles published on MNI Open Research Fri, 22 Dec 2017 17:42:11 +0000 Guy Rouleau 2885 at /neuro