patient stories /neuro/taxonomy/term/728/all en Day in the life of a neuro-palliative care nurse /neuro/article/day-life/day-life-neuro-palliative-care-nurse We need to ensure that patients are treated with dignity throughout their journey Tue, 02 Nov 2021 20:59:58 +0000 Anita Kar 5186 at /neuro Turning to the positive /neuro/article/patients/turning-positive My name is Sarah Kenny and I am a patient with a very aggressive type of brain cancer. I would like to share my story with you. Thu, 24 Sep 2020 19:34:33 +0000 Sarah Kenny 4731 at /neuro Learning to live again /neuro/article/patients/learning-live-again After his MS diagnosis, Yassine Sekkat’s life changed forever Mon, 23 Sep 2019 17:11:45 +0000 Shawn Hayward 4011 at /neuro Patients at The Neuro benefit from access to the latest treatments /neuro/article/patients-research/benefiting-clinical-trials Gordon Kumson’s brain cancer treatment was first ever in Canada Fri, 10 May 2019 15:09:08 +0000 Shawn Hayward 3822 at /neuro Soar, Adam, Soar /neuro/article/patient-stories/soar-adam-soar <p>My son, Adam, was a patient at The Neuro for consultations, examination, preparation and two brain surgeries, in 2011 and 2015, to deal with his epilepsy.</p> Thu, 20 Dec 2018 16:54:10 +0000 Rick Prashaw 3296 at /neuro Nancy Champagne - Supporting Brain Tumour Research one T-Shirt at a Time /neuro/article/patient-stories/nancy-champagne-supporting-brain-tumour-research-one-t-shirt-time I am determined to do all that I can to champion this important cause, which deserves so much more awareness and support than it currently receives. Tue, 11 Dec 2018 15:34:18 +0000 Nancy Champagne 3284 at /neuro Tanya Ladouceur - Stopping the seizures /neuro/article/patient-stories/tanya-ladouceur-patient-story "I was immediately impressed and amazed by their demeanour, care, compassion and most importantly, their knowledge." Thu, 08 Nov 2018 18:37:04 +0000 Tanya Ladouceur 3247 at /neuro Carole Paquin – Living with ALS /neuro/article/patient-stories/carole-paquin-living-als As her physical abilities diminish, Carole turns to the simpler things Thu, 07 Jun 2018 14:54:06 +0000 Victor Swoboda 3075 at /neuro Living with Parkinson’s disease /neuro/article/patient-stories/living-parkinsons-disease A family doctor in the Laurentians where Linda Bérard was living directed her to The Neuro where she came under the care of Dr. Edward Fon, a neurologist and world-class researcher in PD. Mon, 09 Apr 2018 15:27:19 +0000 Victor Swoboda 3011 at /neuro Overcoming Epilepsy Part 2: Nicole Cresenzi /neuro/article/patient-stories/overcoming-epilepsy-part-2-nicole-cresenzi She married her fiancé five months after surgery, and invited her fellow patients to the wedding. Fri, 23 Mar 2018 15:04:32 +0000 Victor Swoboda 2986 at /neuro Andrea Lavoie /neuro/article/andrea-lavoie "I was athletic and living in perfect health, when the sudden onslaught of extreme back pain forced me off work. Investigative tests revealed a tumor in my spinal column and breast cancer. It was the most frightening time of my life." Wed, 19 Apr 2017 17:40:45 +0000 Andrea Lavoie 2586 at /neuro