Frederic Leblond /neuro/taxonomy/term/576/all en An infallible hand-held probe to aid cancer surgery /neuro/channels/news/infallible-hand-held-probe-aid-cancer-surgery-268772 <h2>Canadian researchers have invented an intraoperative probe that reliably detects multiple types of tumour cells </h2> <p>Patients with common widespread forms of cancer will enjoy longer life expectancy and reduced risk of recurrence thanks to a multimodal optical spectroscopy probe developed by Canadian researchers. </p> Wed, 28 Jun 2017 15:56:44 +0000 2672 at /neuro Cancer probe chosen for top science discovery /neuro/channels/news/cancer-probe-chosen-top-science-discovery-285969 <h2>2017 Québec Science Discovery of the Year Award goes to the cancer-detection probe developed by Kevin Petrecca and Frédéric Leblond</h2> <p>Québec Science magazine’s 25-year tradition continues: every fall, a jury comprised of researchers and journalists selects the top 10 most impressive discoveries in Quebec in the past year and the public is asked to vote to select the winner. This year, a cancer-detection probe was chosen by nearly a third of approximately 4,400 votes cast in the 2017 Discovery of the Year contest.</p> Mon, 19 Mar 2018 17:25:07 +0000 2972 at /neuro