iPSC /neuro/taxonomy/term/530/all en iPSC Seminars (EDDU) : Multiscale 3D Analysis of Human Brain Organoids for Quantitative Tissue Biology in Development and Disease /neuro/channels/event/ipsc-seminars-eddu-multiscale-3d-analysis-human-brain-organoids-quantitative-tissue-biology-330695-test <p><strong>Registration via <a href="https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/ipsc-seminar-may-13-tickets-152052145059">Eventbrite</a>.</strong></p> <p><b>Speaker : Alex Albanese, PhD</b></p> <p>Boston Children’s Hospital, USA</p> Tue, 27 Apr 2021 17:50:20 +0000 mackenzie.currie@mail.mcgill.ca 4973 at /neuro iPSC Seminars (EDDU) : Multiscale 3D Analysis of Human Brain Organoids for Quantitative Tissue Biology in Development and Disease /neuro/channels/event/ipsc-seminars-eddu-multiscale-3d-analysis-human-brain-organoids-quantitative-tissue-biology-330695 <p><strong>Registration via <a href="https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/ipsc-seminar-may-13-tickets-152052145059">Eventbrite</a>.</strong></p> <p><b>Speaker : Alex Albanese, PhD</b></p> <p>Boston Children’s Hospital, USA</p> Tue, 27 Apr 2021 17:50:20 +0000 mackenzie.currie@mail.mcgill.ca 4974 at /neuro Turning skin cells into brain cells /neuro/channels/news/turning-skin-cells-brain-cells-268068 <h2>Microglia, critical to Alzheimer’s research, can now be produced artificially</h2> <p>The quest for better understanding of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) has a powerful new tool at its disposal — the ability to artificially generate brain cells that have been shown to play an important role in the disease function.</p> Wed, 10 May 2017 16:16:29 +0000 shawn.hayward@mcgill.ca 2617 at /neuro