hs-communications; IPN /neuro/taxonomy/term/1269/all en 5th National Course on Sleep Medicine /neuro/channels/event/5th-national-course-sleep-medicine-354436 <p><span>This two-day training course is designed to provide and enhance a basic working knowledge of sleep medicine.</span></p> Thu, 18 Jan 2024 19:19:29 +0000 deborah.rashcovsky@mcgill.ca 5897 at /neuro Killam Seminar Series: CRISPR-based Functional Genomics for Neurodegenerative Diseases (virtual event) /neuro/channels/event/killam-seminar-series-crispr-based-functional-genomics-neurodegenerative-diseases-virtual-event-342334 <hr /> <h3>The Killam Seminar Series presents: CRISPR-based Functional Genomics for Neurodegenerative Diseases</h3> <p><strong>Martin Kampmann,</strong> Associate Professor, Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of San Francisco, USA</p> Fri, 23 Sep 2022 18:10:24 +0000 goktug.bender@mcgill.ca 5582 at /neuro 4th National Training Course on Sleep Medicine /neuro/channels/event/4th-national-training-course-sleep-medicine-344419 &²¹³¾±è;±ô³Ù;±è&²¹³¾±è;²µ³Ù;Ìý&²¹³¾±è;±ô³Ù;/±è&²¹³¾±è;²µ³Ù; Mon, 19 Dec 2022 23:35:11 +0000 deborah.rashcovsky@mcgill.ca 5689 at /neuro Gradients of Organization 2023 Workshop /neuro/channels/event/gradients-organization-2023-workshop-344386 <p>Registration is now closed.</p> Fri, 16 Dec 2022 20:59:19 +0000 deborah.rashcovsky@mcgill.ca 5687 at /neuro Leading by Example: Open Science Networking event /neuro/channels/event/leading-example-open-science-networking-event-343343 <h2><b>To <a href="https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/leading-by-example-open-science-networking-event-tickets-463751301627">Register</a></b></h2> <p><b>INVITATION: Leading by Example: Open Science Networking Event </b></p> Mon, 07 Nov 2022 18:11:18 +0000 deborah.rashcovsky@mcgill.ca 5660 at /neuro Bernice Grafstein Lecture in Neuroscience: Addressing Barriers in High Field fMRI Acquisitions /neuro/channels/event/bernice-grafstein-lecture-neuroscience-addressing-barriers-high-field-fmri-acquisitions-334343 <p>The 2021 Bernice Grafstein Lecture in Neuroscience will be held virtually on Thursday, October 28, at 3 PM, Eastern Time. The Intergrate Program in Neuroscience is pleased to welcome Dr. Lawrence Wald as this year's keynote speaker.</p> Fri, 22 Oct 2021 15:52:21 +0000 jodie.anderson2@mail.mcgill.ca 5169 at /neuro