Sali Farhan /neuro/taxonomy/term/1219/all en The Neuro’s biobank makes genetic data available to global science community /neuro/article/open-science/neuros-biobank-makes-genetic-data-available-global-science-community Repository contains 1,500 Parkinson’s and 300 ALS samples and the numbers are growing. Mon, 13 Nov 2023 17:22:09 +0000 Shawn Hayward 5849 at /neuro The Neuro joins global ethical data sharing alliance /neuro/article/open-science/neuro-joins-global-ethical-data-sharing-alliance Genomic data sharing can lead to the kinds of medical breakthroughs patients have been waiting decades for, but it must be done ethically. Wed, 21 Apr 2021 12:37:51 +0000 Shawn Hayward 4970 at /neuro New Faculty Spotlight: Sali Farhan /neuro/article/research-i-choose-neuro/new-faculty-spotlight-sali-farhan Sali Farhan is an accomplished human genomicist who bridges the gap between the clinic and the lab. Mon, 22 Feb 2021 17:07:43 +0000 Shawn Hayward 4904 at /neuro Multiple ALS projects at The Neuro awarded funding /neuro/channels/news/multiple-als-projects-neuro-awarded-funding-328575 <p><b>Program brings together multidisciplinary teams with expertise in various areas of neurodegenerative disease</b></p> <p> </p> <p>Researchers at The Neuro (Montreal Neurological Institute-Hospital) make up a large part of eight projects funded by ALS Canada and the Brain Canada Foundation as part of their 2020 Discovery Grant Program, which brings together multidisciplinary research teams with expertise in various areas of ALS and neurodegenerative diseases to investigate critical areas of disease processes and clinical care.</p> Mon, 15 Feb 2021 15:24:42 +0000 4890 at /neuro