AI /neuro/taxonomy/term/1074/all en Wilder Penfield Lecture - Standing on the Edge of Error: Science in the Age of AI /neuro/channels/event/wilder-penfield-lecture-standing-edge-error-science-age-ai-353605 <p>The Penfield Lecture was inaugurated in 1985 to honour Wilder Penfield, pioneering neurosurgeon and founder of The Neuro. <strong> </strong>A cocktail reception will follow.</p> Thu, 14 Dec 2023 21:16:50 +0000 5867 at /neuro Brain connectivity can build better AI /neuro/channels/news/brain-connectivity-can-build-better-ai-332268 <h3>Artificial neural networks modeled on real brains can perform cognitive tasks</h3> <p>A new study shows that artificial intelligence networks based on human brain connectivity can perform cognitive tasks efficiently.</p> Fri, 06 Aug 2021 12:37:20 +0000 5095 at /neuro Study links genes with function across the human brain /neuro/channels/news/study-links-genes-function-across-human-brain-330004 <p><strong>Comparing two neural maps reveals the roles of genes in cognition, perception and feeling</strong></p> <p>Many psychiatric disorders have genetic causes, but the exact mechanism of how genes influence higher brain function remains a mystery. A new study provides a map linking the genetic signature of functions across the human brain, a tool that may provide new targets for future treatments.</p> Wed, 24 Mar 2021 19:19:19 +0000 4935 at /neuro AI-analyzed blood test can predict the progression of neurodegenerative disease /neuro/channels/news/ai-analyzed-blood-test-can-predict-progression-neurodegenerative-disease-317675 <p><strong>New technique could be used to choose best therapies for patients and measure their effectiveness</strong></p> <p>Evaluating the effectiveness of therapies for neurodegenerative diseases is often difficult because each patient’s progression is different. A new study shows artificial intelligence (AI) analysis of blood samples can predict and explain disease progression, which could one day help doctors choose more appropriate and effective treatments for patients.</p> Tue, 28 Jan 2020 14:21:14 +0000 4301 at /neuro Designing artificial brains can help us learn more about real ones /neuro/article/research/designing-artificial-brains-can-help-us-learn-more-about-real-ones Understanding how the computations in the brain go wrong could help scientists develop treatments for neurological disorders. Fri, 14 Feb 2020 15:09:15 +0000 Blake Richards 4322 at /neuro