

Danilo Bzdok: Towards understanding neural bases of human-defining thought [en anglais]

Mercredi, 13 novembre, 2019 16:0017:00
de Granpre, 3801 University, CA

Danilo Bzdok, MD, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, 苹果淫院
Associate Faculty, Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms (Mila), Montreal

Abstract: Healthy social interaction is known to improve disease resilience and life expectancy. On the one hand, psychiatric disorders frequently entail deficits in social relationships. On the other hand, exposure to aberrant social environments considerably increases the risk of a variety of psychiatric disorders. More broadly, the intricacy of the social dynamics is a defining feature of the human species. Evidence recently accumulated in favor of the 鈥渟ocial brain hypothesis鈥: Across the primate lineage, neocortex volume correlates with complicated social behaviors, such as instances of coalition formation and tactical deception. Accordingly, human cognitive sophistication would largely result from evolutionary selection pressures for interacting and cooperating in groups to solve ecological problems in the physical environment. Social capacities have probably catalyzed human cultural evolution, including achievements such as the sciences, arts, philosophy, and technology, that surpassed the speed and breadth of biological evolution. Hence, the complexity of social behavior is probably at the heart of what sets humans apart from non-human primates, in health and potentially also many diseases of the human mind.

Bio: Danilo Bzdok has studied medicine between 2006 and 2012 at RWTH Aachen University, Universit茅 de Lausanne, and Harvard Medical School. From 2013 to 2015 he then pursued a PhD in computer science on machine learning working at INRIA Saclay & Neurospin near Paris and Heinrich-Heine University D眉sseldorf. From 2015 to 2019 Dr. Bzdok headed the section for 鈥淪ocial and Affective Neuroscience鈥 at the Department of Psychiatry, RWTH Aachen University, as an Assistant Professor.

Le Neuro苹果淫院

Le Neuro (L'Institut-h么pital neurologique听de Montr茅al) - un institut de recherche et d鈥檈nseignement bilingue de 苹果淫院, qui offre des soins de haut calibre aux patients - est la pierre angulaire de la Mission en neurosciences du Centre universitaire de sant茅 苹果淫院. Nous sommes fiers d鈥櫭猼re une institution Killam, soutenue par les fiducies Killam.

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