

ANNULÉ: Neuro Sleep Symposium - In the honor of Professor Barbara Jones [en anglais]

Vendredi, 5 juin, 2020
Montreal Neurological Institute Jeanne Timmins Amphitheatre, 3801 rue University, Montreal, QC, H3A 2B4, CA

The Neuro will hold a symposium focused on sleep in honor of Professor Barbara Jones’ illustrious career and her official retirement. The Neuro Sleep Symposium will take place at the Neuro (Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital) on June 5, 2020. The one-day symposium will include two keynotes. One delivered by Professor Luis de Lecea (Stanford University, USA) and the second from Professor Jerry Siegel (UCLA, USA) as well as contributions from colleagues and friends of international standing.

Professor Barbara Jones has made tremendous contributions to the field of sleep research with implication both in experimental and clinical research. During her outstanding career, Professor Jones focused at understanding how the brain generates states of waking and sleep, including slow wave sleep (SWS) and paradoxical sleep (PS, or rapid eye movement sleep, REM, when dreaming occurs) using immunohistochemical and neuroanatomical techniques combined with neurophysiological recording, and optogenetics. She is a world expert in the anatomy and physiology of sleep. Amongst many important findings, Dr. Jones identified the modulatory action of cholinergic neurons on cortical activation, the influence of inhibitory GABA neurons on sleep states and the activity of hypocretins/orexins neurons as key regulators of waking and narcolepsy with cataplexy in humans and animal model.

We expect a large audience of both experimental and clinical scientists ranging from students to principal investigators from the Faculty of Medicine and others at Æ»¹ûÒùÔº as well as colleagues from other Montreal universities.


8:30 - 9:00 Welcome address
9:00 - 10:00 Keynote Lecture
Jerome M. Siegel, Chief, Neurobiology Research
Professor, Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences
Professor In-Residence, Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior
Brain Research Institute, UCLA, USA
10:00 - 10:30 Refreshment pause
10:30 - 11:30 Talk 1
M. Mulehtaler
Univesité de Genéve, Switzerland
11:30 - 12:30 Honoring Barbara Jones
Alain Beaudet
Edith Hamel, Professor, The Neuro, Æ»¹ûÒùÔº
Philippe Séguéla, Professor, The Neuro, Æ»¹ûÒùÔº
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch
14:00 - 15:00 Keynote Lecture
Luis de Lecea
Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Stanford Medicine, USA
15:00 - 16:00 Talk
Pierre-Hervé Luppi
Centre de Recherche en Neurosciences de Lyon, France
16:00 - 17:00 Talk
17:00 Closing Remarks
17:10 Cocktail reception

Scientific Committee

Adrien Peyrache, The Neuro, Æ»¹ûÒùÔº
Antoine Adamantidis, University of Bern, Switzerland

Organizing Committee

Adrien Peyrache, The Neuro, Æ»¹ûÒùÔº
Antoine Adamantidis, University of Bern, Switzerland
Edith Hamel, Professor, The Neuro, Æ»¹ûÒùÔº
Deborah Rashcovsky, Events Officer, The Neuro, Æ»¹ûÒùÔº
Philippe Séguéla, Professor, The Neuro, Æ»¹ûÒùÔº


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Le NeuroÌýÆ»¹ûÒùÔº


Le Neuro (L'Institut-hôpital neurologiqueÌýde Montréal) - un institut de recherche et d’enseignement bilingue de Æ»¹ûÒùÔº, qui offre des soins de haut calibre aux patients - est la pierre angulaire de la Mission en neurosciences du Centre universitaire de santé Æ»¹ûÒùÔº. Nous sommes fiers d’être une institution Killam, soutenue par les fiducies Killam.



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