Urban /mssi/taxonomy/term/1522/all en Sus: An Urban Sustainability Explorer for Montreal /mssi/article/mssi-events-urban/sus-urban-sustainability-explorer-montreal <p>A research project under the ƻԺ Sustainability Systems Initiative's Adapting Urban Environments research theme reached a significant milestone with the public launch of <a href="http://www.susmontreal.ca/">Sus, an online platform</a> designed to make sustainability data more accessible and encourage greater reflection on urban sustainability challenges.</p> Fri, 29 Apr 2022 15:39:19 +0000 Katya Teague 3858 at /mssi Sustainability Transitions Symposium /mssi/article/landscapes-materials-mssi-events-transistions-urban/sustainability-transitions-symposium <p>In line with the launch of the fourth MSSI research theme, our 2019 event was centered on <i>Sustainability Transitions</i> (read more about the new theme <a href="https://reporter.mcgill.ca/can-small-and-medium-enterprises-lead-the-way-to-a-sustainable-future/">here</a>). Over 60 participants joined us for an afternoon exploring the idea of Sustainability Transitions – from what it means to us as individuals to how it is understood through research.</p> <p><b>What are ‘Sustainability Transitions”?</b></p> Tue, 02 Jun 2020 17:47:11 +0000 ƻԺ Sustainability Systems Initiative 3209 at /mssi 2017 Research Theme Symposium /mssi/article/landscapes-materials-mssi-events-urban/2017-research-theme-symposium <p>The first annual MSSI research theme symposium took place on November 8th, bringing together over 70 members of the sustainability research community at ƻԺ. The day consisted of a keynote talk by Dr.</p> Mon, 31 Aug 2020 18:55:11 +0000 ƻԺ Sustainability Systems Initiative 3232 at /mssi New cities: Utopian wishes and PowerPoint dreams - Dr. Sarah Moser /mssi/article/mssi-events-urban/new-cities-utopian-wishes-and-powerpoint-dreams-dr-sarah-moser <p><img alt="Portrait of Prof. Sarah Moser" style="width: 150px; height: 150px; float: left;" class="file-large lt" src="/mssi/files/mssi/styles/wysiwyg_large/public/channels/bio/sarahmoser.jpeg?itok=oX_3cSLK" width="225" height="225" /></p> Mon, 31 Aug 2020 16:52:52 +0000 ƻԺ Sustainability Systems Initiative 3231 at /mssi MSSI Research Theme Launch /mssi/article/landscapes-materials-mssi-events-urban/mssi-research-theme-launch <p><img alt="A panel of MSSI co-leads listen to a presentation in front of a seated audience" height="120" width="160" style="width: 160px; height: 120px; float: left;" class="file-default lt" src="/mssi/files/mssi/styles/wysiwyg_medium/public/img_0011.jpg?itok=5gwYLtAN" />The first three ƻԺ Sustainability Systems Initiative research themes launched in September 2017.</p> Tue, 11 Aug 2020 18:23:05 +0000 ƻԺ Sustainability Systems Initiative 3222 at /mssi