sacred /morsl/taxonomy/term/264/all en In a Perfect World We'd All be Pantheists /morsl/article/interfaith-dialogue/perfect-world-wed-all-be-pantheists <p>Many Eastern and Native religions are concerned with the conservation of nature and the preservation of the environment. Pantheism is an ancient religion that developed well before Buddhism or Taoism; not only does it care for nature, but it holds that the earth is the most sacred order there is. Pantheism is not an exclusive religion in that most of the time it is not in a category of its own. Many Taoists and Buddhists, Pagans and ecologists, are Pantheists. The average environmentalist may also be a Pantheist and not even realize it.</p> Tue, 20 Dec 2022 20:46:49 +0000 Laura Gallo 2423 at /morsl Crafting a Personal Sacred Space Workshop /morsl/channels/event/crafting-personal-sacred-space-workshop-335271 <p>Whether it be cooking certain types of foods for special occasions or taking the time to center yourself in the sanctuary of your room, your new home can play a big part in helping you stay grounded.</p> Thu, 02 Dec 2021 20:36:17 +0000 2217 at /morsl Recognizing the Sacred in our Day /morsl/article/radix-spiritual-wellness/recognizing-sacred-our-day <p>Our fast-paced lives can leave little time for reflection. Yet moments of calm reflection help us appreciate the many blessings of life. As the poet Gerard Manley Hopkins once wrote, “The world is charged with the grandeur of God.”</p> <p>But often we are too busy to notice this. Every day - and each moment of every day - the sacred tries to communicate its beauty, truth and wisdom but we can miss it if we are too busy or distracted. It’s like being on a bus driving through a beautiful countryside - with the curtains closed.</p> Thu, 10 Nov 2022 20:58:24 +0000 Reverend Dr. John Meehan 2385 at /morsl