

Exam De-Stress Meditation (Dec. 17)

Thursday, December 17, 2020 18:00to19:00

A series of meditation sessions for students during exam period, which are great for both beginners and experienced meditators. Two or three meditations per session with a focus on mindfulness, insight, and loving-kindness practices, and time for discussion and questions.

Facilitator: Rev. Deacon Jonathan Stewart

Jonathan Stewart is a Montreal freelance writer and editor who's been meditating in different traditions for 20 years. He's meditated and studied everywhere from Christian monasteries to a variety of Buddhist retreats, and he's taken the MBSR course to see it all from a secular perspective. He led meditation classes and taught courses at the Presence Meditation Studio and has a weekly free secular meditation circle for everyone. His primary passion is the Western Wisdom Traditions and he is the meditation facilitator and Deacon for the Montreal parish of the Esoteric and Gnostic Apostolic Johannite Church. He lives in the Mile End with his wonderful wife and his 14-pound cat and he's trying to get more into yoga even though he's convinced himself he can't bend that way.

Register here for Zoom meeting details.

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