Staff /meteo/taxonomy/term/2/all en Peter Yau wins Patterson Distinguished Service Medal /meteo/channels/news/peter-yau-wins-patterson-distinguished-service-medal-348057 <p>The <a href="">Patterson Distinguished Service Medal</a> is a prestigious award recognizing service to meteorology in Canada. <a href="/meteo/facultystaff/yau">Peter Yau</a> is the 2022 winner of this award.</p> Wed, 26 Apr 2023 16:04:10 +0000 2446 at /meteo Exploring Ocean Worlds /meteo/channels/event/exploring-ocean-worlds-325341 <p><img height="856" src="/meteo/files/meteo/dr._morgan_cable.jpg" width="659" /></p> Wed, 14 Oct 2020 17:54:59 +0000 2414 at /meteo Evaluating Differences in Climate Sensitivity between GFDL CMIP5 and CMIP6 Climate models. /meteo/channels/event/evaluating-differences-climate-sensitivity-between-gfdl-cmip5-and-cmip6-climate-models-325340 <p><img height="856" src="/meteo/files/meteo/david_paynter.jpg" width="659" /></p> Wed, 14 Oct 2020 17:45:48 +0000 2413 at /meteo Departmental Seminar: Advection of mixing in the Salish Sea; what a high resolution, realistic model can tell us /meteo/channels/event/departmental-seminar-advection-mixing-salish-sea-what-high-resolution-realistic-model-can-tell-us-324874 <p><img height="856" src="/meteo/files/meteo/prof._susan_allen.jpg" width="659" /></p> Thu, 24 Sep 2020 19:50:40 +0000 2412 at /meteo Departmental Seminar - Global Ocean low cloud feedback estimated from observed co-variability with meteorology /meteo/channels/event/departmental-seminar-global-ocean-low-cloud-feedback-estimated-observed-co-variability-meteorology-324637 <p><a href=""><img height="856" src="/meteo/files/meteo/dr._joel_norris.jpg" width="659" /></a></p> Wed, 16 Sep 2020 21:00:29 +0000 2411 at /meteo Departmental Seminar: Stratocumulus in a box: Resolving “sub-grid-scale” aerosol-cloud interactions in a convection-cloud chamber /meteo/channels/event/departmental-seminar-stratocumulus-box-resolving-sub-grid-scale-aerosol-cloud-interactions-324445 <p><img height="856" src="/meteo/files/meteo/dr._raymond_a._shaw.jpg" width="659" /></p> Thu, 10 Sep 2020 19:55:36 +0000 2410 at /meteo Keep me safe! - Mental health resources /meteo/channels/news/keep-me-safe-mental-health-resources-323973 <p>Please check the below link for resources available regarding mental health concerns:</p> <p><a href="/internationalstudents/covid-19/entering-canadahttps:/"></a></p> Tue, 25 Aug 2020 18:49:24 +0000 2409 at /meteo International students entering Canada /meteo/channels/news/international-students-entering-canada-323972 <p>Please check the link below if you are an international student planning to enter Canada:</p> <p><a href="/internationalstudents/covid-19/entering-canadahttps:/">/internationalstudents/covid-19/entering-canada</a></p> Tue, 25 Aug 2020 18:47:13 +0000 2408 at /meteo Useful links for incoming/potential students /meteo/channels/news/useful-links-incomingpotential-students-323971 <p>Please check the below link for useful information regarding working and learning remotely at Mcgill</p> <p><a href="/remote-students/">/remote-students/</a></p> <p> </p> <p> </p> Tue, 25 Aug 2020 18:43:54 +0000 2407 at /meteo 2019 a Safety Ambassador award- AOS Weather Forecasting Team /meteo/channels/news/2019-safety-ambassador-award-aos-weather-forecasting-team-300648 <p>Congratulations to the Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Weather Forecasting Team (Prof. John Gyakum, Dr. Eyad Atallah, Christopher McCray (PhD student), Kai Melamed-Turkish (MSc student), Yeechian Low (MSc student) for the Safety Ambassador 2019 award for all their weather related-services for major events such as convocation ceremonies for the past years to the Emergency Management and Preparedness Unit.</p> <p>Pictured accepting the award: L-R Christopher McCray, Yeechian Low and Kai Melamed-Turkish</p> Fri, 13 Sep 2019 18:40:29 +0000 2348 at /meteo Roddy Rogers, Professor Emeritus in AOS department, has passed away /meteo/channels/news/roddy-rogers-professor-emeritus-aos-department-has-passed-away-295156 <p>It is with great sadness that I convey the news that Roddy Rogers, Professor Emeritus in our department, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, has passed away on February 20.</p> <p>Roddy, a giant in our field, was a world-renowned scientist, particularly in the areas of cloud physics and radar meteorology. His text, co-authored with Professor Yau, entitled “A short course in Cloud Physics” has been used by students and faculty throughout the globe.</p> Tue, 05 Mar 2019 14:17:54 +0000 2311 at /meteo Estimation of model parameters using an evolutionary algorithm /meteo/channels/event/estimation-model-parameters-using-evolutionary-algorithm-297390 <p>><img height="856" src="/meteo/files/meteo/peter_houtekamer_new-_28-may-19.jpg" width="659" /></p> Thu, 23 May 2019 18:34:58 +0000 2336 at /meteo Thermodynamic profiling of the atmosphere with ground-based remote sensors: Current capabilities and future challenges /meteo/channels/event/thermodynamic-profiling-atmosphere-ground-based-remote-sensors-current-capabilities-and-future-297382 <p>><img height="856" src="/meteo/files/meteo/jonathan_gero-_03-jun-19.jpg" width="659" /></p> Thu, 23 May 2019 14:45:36 +0000 2335 at /meteo Optimization of DNS code and visualization of data for cloud mixing simulation /meteo/channels/event/optimization-dns-code-and-visualization-data-cloud-mixing-simulation-296978 <p>><img height="856" src="/meteo/files/meteo/bipin_kumar-_13-may-19.jpg" width="659" /></p> Wed, 08 May 2019 14:11:14 +0000 2334 at /meteo Constraining recent variability and future projections of of Arctic sea ice with new and improved remote sensing data /meteo/channels/event/constraining-recent-variability-and-future-projections-arctic-sea-ice-new-and-improved-remote-296352 <p>><img height="856" src="/meteo/files/meteo/alek_petty-_29-apr-19.jpg" width="659" /></p> Wed, 17 Apr 2019 15:08:03 +0000 2331 at /meteo