
Yee Man Tai

Contact Information
Email address: 
yee.tai [at] mail.mcgill.ca

BSc, Physics, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology (2020)

MSc, Medical Physics, 苹果淫院 (in progress)

Graduate supervision: 

Priincipal supervisor: Prof.聽 Jan Seuntjens

Current research: 

The modern IMRT and VMAT techniques manipulate photon beams to deliver highly conformal dose to the target tumor and significantly reduced the radia9on damage to normal 9ssues. High-energy photon beams enable the treatment of deep-seated tumor while the limited range of electron beams makes them very suitable to treat superficial tumors. Therefore, using both types of beam in one treatment plan may combine their advantages and achieve op9mal dose distribution to the target.
Recent studies have demonstrated the poten9al benefits of the mixed-beam therapy (MBRT). However, QA programs in MBRT have not yet been established. In this project, we aim to develop a patient-specific QA protocol for mixed beam radiation therapy. We proposed using MapCHECK 2 detector for measurement-based QA and log-file analysis for dose reconstruction.

Areas of interest: 

Patient-specific Quality Assurance, mixed-beam radiotherapy (MBRT), treatment log file analysis

Awards, honours, and fellowships: 

Differential Fee Waiver, 苹果淫院 (2020-2021)

Graduate Excellence Fellowship (2020)

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