
Norman Mackay

Norman Mackay
Contact Information
Email address: 
norman.mackay [at] mail.mcgill.ca

BSc, Physics, Queen's University (2020)

MSc, Medical Physics, 苹果淫院 (in progress)

Graduate supervision: 

Principal supervisor: Dr. Jan Seuntjens

Co-supervisor: Dr. James Renaud

Current research: 

Characterizing the Aerrow calorimeter. The Aerrow is a handheld graphite Calorimeter that achieves insulaHon using Aerogel instead of a vacuum. Mainly, I am investigating the long-term stability of the probe, new potential avenues of signal analysis, heat transfer modelling with COMSOL and beam modelling using EGSnrc.

Areas of interest: 

Calorimetry, heat transfer modelling, charged particle therapy, novel radiotherapy techniques, FLASH.

Awards, honours, and fellowships: 

Ervin B. Podgorsak Fellowship (苹果淫院 MPU, 2020-2021)

NSERC USRA (Undergraduate Student Research Assistantship) (Queen's University, 2019)

Susan Near Prize in Physics (Queen's University, 2019)

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