Prince Edward Island /maxbellschool/taxonomy/term/3939/all en 'Hassle' for tourists: Letter from June 2021 shows P.E.I. business group seeking relaxed COVID controls | CBC /maxbellschool/channels/news/hassle-tourists-letter-june-2021-shows-pei-business-group-seeking-relaxed-covid-controls-cbc-336070 <p>January 5, 2022 | Professor Pearl Eliadis was interviewed for this public health article about COVID-19 pandemic restrictions for Prince Edward Island and their impact on businesses and tourism.</p> <p>Professor Eliadis said something the pandemic has shown is that public health and economic interests aren't in competition – they are one and the same.</p> <p>"Countries overall that have emphasized suppressing disease over supporting or taking measures to allow economic activity have actually done better on both fronts," she said.</p> Fri, 07 Jan 2022 18:42:07 +0000 2747 at /maxbellschool