French language /maxbellschool/taxonomy/term/3928/all en Pearl Eliadis appointed to the Official Language Rights Expert Panel /maxbellschool/channels/news/pearl-eliadis-appointed-official-language-rights-expert-panel-344920 <p>Max Bell School Associate Professor Pearl Eliadis, has been selected to the Official Language Rights Expert Panel of the federal Government’s Court Challenges Program (CCP).</p> <p>The objective of the CCP is to provide financial support to Canadians to bring before the courts test cases of national significance that aim to clarify and assert certain constitutional and quasi-constitutional official language rights and human rights.</p> Fri, 13 Jan 2023 18:18:57 +0000 2953 at /maxbellschool Legal experts fact-check Quebec ad campaign that aims to correct 'falsehoods' on controversial language law | CBC News /maxbellschool/channels/news/legal-experts-fact-check-quebec-ad-campaign-aims-correct-falsehoods-controversial-language-law-cbc-339801 <p>June 3, 2022 | After Bill 96 passed in the Quebec legislature, the government of Quebec published a full-page advertisement in both French and English newspapers to "correct falsehoods" circulating about the law. However, several legal experts - such as Max Bell's <a href="/maxbellschool/our-people/mpp-teaching-faculty/pearl-eliadis">Pearl Eliadis</a> - fact-checked the claims made in the ad in this article for CBC News.</p> Mon, 06 Jun 2022 20:39:52 +0000 2842 at /maxbellschool Pearl Eliadis on Bill 96 | The Telegraph /maxbellschool/channels/news/pearl-eliadis-bill-96-telegraph-336032 <p>December 28, 2021 | Pearl Eliadis commented that this legislation is the latest in a years-long push to effectively authorise "blatant discrimination against religious minorities in Quebec".</p> <p>Eliadis said that while it was important to have protections in place for the French language, with Bill 96, "Quebec is starting to drift off into territory where they're really prepared to take pretty much any measures, sometimes outside the law ... to achieve that goal."</p> <p>"It's not entirely clear to me that the world understands how radical this is."</p> Wed, 05 Jan 2022 16:56:32 +0000 2742 at /maxbellschool