Henna Hundal /maxbellschool/taxonomy/term/3586/all en Fentanyl kills more young Americans than COVID. The underlying causes should worry us all. | USA Today /maxbellschool/channels/news/fentanyl-kills-more-young-americans-covid-underlying-causes-should-worry-us-all-usa-today-337514 <p>February 6, 2022 | MPP alumna Henna Hundal has penned a new article for USA Today, delving into the the addiction and overdose crisis that has caused devastation across the United States, Canada, and many other countries around the world. </p> <p><a href="https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2022/02/06/fentanyl-deaths-young-americans-fear-and-depression-drive-overdoses/9314171002/?gnt-cfr=1">Read the article</a>.</p> Wed, 09 Feb 2022 15:13:11 +0000 matthew.mclaughlin2@mail.mcgill.ca 2777 at /maxbellschool Want S.F. to achieve net-zero carbon emissions? Don’t forget to green the health care industry | San Francisco Chronicle /maxbellschool/channels/news/want-sf-achieve-net-zero-carbon-emissions-dont-forget-green-health-care-industry-san-francisco-336170 <p>January 10, 2022 | "Nearly 5% of global greenhouse gas emissions can be traced to health care activities in developed countries," writes MPP alumna <a href="/maxbellschool/article/articles-mpp-our-people/our-mpp-students-henna-hundal">Henna Hundal</a>. Read her full argument for the crucial importance of including the healthcare sector in decarbonization efforts. </p> <p><a href="https://www.sfchronicle.com/opinion/openforum/article/Want-S-F-to-achieve-net-zero-carbon-emissions-16758852.php">Read the article</a>.</p> Wed, 12 Jan 2022 15:57:22 +0000 matthew.mclaughlin2@mail.mcgill.ca 2752 at /maxbellschool Our MPP students: Henna Hundal /maxbellschool/article/our-people/henna-hundal <p>Henna Hundal is one of those people whose plate is constantly full, yet always seems to be able to take on more. She took a quick break from her work with Max Bell School’s <a href="/maxbellschool/article/articles-policy-lab-2021/unlocking-inclusive-system-women-entrepreneurs">Policy Lab</a> to speak with us.</p> Wed, 14 Jul 2021 16:59:37 +0000 Brendan Frank 2596 at /maxbellschool Opinion: Biden’s refugee cap should prioritize Afghanistan’s religious minorities | The Washington Post /maxbellschool/channels/news/opinion-bidens-refugee-cap-should-prioritize-afghanistans-religious-minorities-washington-post-330712 <p>April 26, 2021 | President Joe Biden's plan to fully withdraw American troops from Afghanistan has been met by extensive debate, but little of the discourse has centred on the plight of religious minorities—particularly Sikhs and Hindus—whose fate in Afghanistan remains worryingly uncertain.</p> Wed, 28 Apr 2021 14:36:44 +0000 matthew.mclaughlin2@mail.mcgill.ca 2472 at /maxbellschool