regulating internet /maxbellschool/taxonomy/term/3530/all en Sue Gardner: Bill C-18 is Bad for Journalism and Bad for Canada /maxbellschool/max-policy/c-18 C-18 misdiagnoses the problem as "news publishers aren't getting their fair share of ad revenues." The real problem is more like "we need to find new sustaining business models for the news industry, because the old one is dead and gone." Or perhaps "if the market won't support quality journalism, we need to find some other way to do it." Thu, 13 Oct 2022 01:07:20 +0000 Sue Gardner 2906 at /maxbellschool Video | Regulating the Internet: Can Canadian Democracy Survive Big Tech? /maxbellschool/article/event-recap-video/video-regulating-internet-can-canadian-democracy-survive-big-tech <p>On March April 6, 2021, the Max Bell School hosted <a href="/maxbellschool/events/events-list/regulating-internet">Regulating the Internet: Can Canadian Democracy Survive Big Tech?</a>, a panel discussion on whether the government should regulate online platforms and the internet more broadly.</p> Mon, 12 Apr 2021 15:44:24 +0000 MaxBell School of Public Policy 2444 at /maxbellschool