Michelle Alexopoulos /maxbellschool/taxonomy/term/3378/all en Video | Down to the Wire for the Bank of Canada’s Mandate Renewal /maxbellschool/article/articles-choosing-right-target-event-recap/video-down-wire-bank-canadas-mandate-renewal Watch a video recording of Down to the Wire for the Bank of Canada’s Mandate Renewal Thu, 02 Dec 2021 16:37:42 +0000 Max Bell School of Public Policy 2731 at /maxbellschool Down to the Wire for the Bank of Canada’s Mandate Renewal /maxbellschool/channels/event/down-wire-bank-canadas-mandate-renewal-334732 <p>If recent history is any guide, the Government of Canada and the Bank of Canada will be announcing a new mandate for the Bank within the next several weeks. There are many available choices but only a few leading contenders.</p> Wed, 10 Nov 2021 19:51:10 +0000 katrine.claassens@mcgill.ca 2709 at /maxbellschool The History of Inflation Targeting and the Case for Maintaining the Status Quo /maxbellschool/article/articles-choosing-right-target/history-inflation-targeting-and-case-maintaining-status-quo Michelle Alexopolous argues that the evidence in favour of the various alternatives is not yet strong enough to justify the risks involved in abandoning the status quo. Thu, 18 Feb 2021 15:09:40 +0000 Michelle Alexopoulos and Edda Claus 2383 at /maxbellschool