Undergraduate Students /maxbellschool/taxonomy/term/1933/all en Pearl Eliadis appointed to the Official Language Rights Expert Panel /maxbellschool/channels/news/pearl-eliadis-appointed-official-language-rights-expert-panel-344920 <p>Max Bell School Associate Professor Pearl Eliadis, has been selected to the Official Language Rights Expert Panel of the federal Government’s Court Challenges Program (CCP).</p> <p>The objective of the CCP is to provide financial support to Canadians to bring before the courts test cases of national significance that aim to clarify and assert certain constitutional and quasi-constitutional official language rights and human rights.</p> Fri, 13 Jan 2023 18:18:57 +0000 navneet.pall@mcgill.ca 2953 at /maxbellschool Quebec says COVID-19 vaccine passport are coming | CTV News /maxbellschool/channels/news/quebec-says-covid-19-vaccine-passport-are-coming-ctv-news-332357 <p>As Quebec moves forward with a plan to implement vaccine passports for some non-essential services, Max Bell School professor Pearl Eliadis weighed in on possible legal and social implications.</p> <p><a href="https://www.ctvnews.ca/video?clipId=2255224">Watch the video</a>.</p> Wed, 11 Aug 2021 19:44:32 +0000 matthew.mclaughlin2@mail.mcgill.ca 2624 at /maxbellschool Fake news preys on emotions, expert warns /maxbellschool/channels/news/fake-news-preys-emotions-expert-warns-300914 <p>August 10, 2019| Beware of things you see online that make you emotional, one media expert warns ahead of the fall election.  Taylor Owen, professor at ƻԺ and the co-creator of the Digital Democracy Project, says fake news often preys on feelings like anger and fear.</p> <p><a href="https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/1584564291585/">Listen to the Interview</a></p> Mon, 23 Sep 2019 20:50:52 +0000 kunal.rakshit@mail.mcgill.ca 1597 at /maxbellschool Canadians' media-consumption habits lead to misinformation, study finds /maxbellschool/channels/news/canadians-media-consumption-habits-lead-misinformation-study-finds-300912 <p>August 7, 2019 | Canadians aren’t as divided into partisan echo chambers as social media would suggest, but a heavy news diet doesn't guarantee you'll be informed, a new study has found.</p> <p><a href="https://www.nationalobserver.com/2019/08/07/news/canadians-media-consumption-habits-lead-misinformation-study-finds">Read the Article</a></p> Mon, 23 Sep 2019 20:45:58 +0000 kunal.rakshit@mail.mcgill.ca 1596 at /maxbellschool Canadian polarized, but social media use likely not the culprit: study /maxbellschool/channels/news/canadian-polarized-social-media-use-likely-not-culprit-study-300916 <p>September 12, 2019 | Social media might not be to blame for Canadians’ ideological polarization, a new report on digital democracy in Canada finds. “A lot of people don’t use social media very actively,” said Eric Merkley, a researcher on the project. “People on Twitter are not representative of the broader population.”</p> Mon, 23 Sep 2019 20:59:26 +0000 kunal.rakshit@mail.mcgill.ca 1599 at /maxbellschool 19 million Canadians have had their data breached in eight months /maxbellschool/channels/news/19-million-canadians-have-had-their-data-breached-eight-months-300915 <p>September 2, 2019 | An estimated 19 million Canadians have been affected by data breaches between November 2018 and June 2019, according to numbers obtained by "Attention Control with Kevin Newman," a new podcast that launched Monday. The numbers come from 446 breaches that were reported to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC). Victims of these kinds of data breaches are vulnerable to identity theft, financial crime, even violence in some cases.   </p> Mon, 23 Sep 2019 20:55:09 +0000 kunal.rakshit@mail.mcgill.ca 1598 at /maxbellschool