Happiness /maxbellschool/taxonomy/term/1449/all en What makes societies happy? The dawn of happiness-guided policies /maxbellschool/channels/event/what-makes-societies-happy-dawn-happiness-guided-policies-295360 <p>Are we ready to enact happiness-guided policies? It has been four decades since economists began to be interested in a subjective measure, "life satisfaction", as an overall assessment of well-being.</p> Tue, 12 Mar 2019 14:09:34 +0000 nicholas.salter@mcgill.ca 1339 at /maxbellschool What makes societies happy? The dawn of happiness-guided policies /maxbellschool/article/video-what-makes-societies-happy-dawn-happiness-guided-policies <p></p><div class="media-youtube-video media-element file-default media-youtube-1"></div> Thu, 28 Mar 2019 14:47:21 +0000 Max Bell School of Public Policy 1361 at /maxbellschool