Graduate Students /maxbellschool/taxonomy/term/1228/all en Shaping the Arc of History Through Policy /maxbellschool/article/shaping-arc-history-through-policy MPP Aftab Ahmed learns what it means for policy makers to provide "fearless advice and loyal implementation” on Parliament Hill. Mon, 16 Jan 2023 20:41:06 +0000 Aftab Ahmed 2956 at /maxbellschool Pearl Eliadis appointed to the Official Language Rights Expert Panel /maxbellschool/channels/news/pearl-eliadis-appointed-official-language-rights-expert-panel-344920 <p>Max Bell School Associate Professor Pearl Eliadis, has been selected to the Official Language Rights Expert Panel of the federal Government’s Court Challenges Program (CCP).</p> <p>The objective of the CCP is to provide financial support to Canadians to bring before the courts test cases of national significance that aim to clarify and assert certain constitutional and quasi-constitutional official language rights and human rights.</p> Fri, 13 Jan 2023 18:18:57 +0000 2953 at /maxbellschool Quebec says COVID-19 vaccine passport are coming | CTV News /maxbellschool/channels/news/quebec-says-covid-19-vaccine-passport-are-coming-ctv-news-332357 <p>As Quebec moves forward with a plan to implement vaccine passports for some non-essential services, Max Bell School professor Pearl Eliadis weighed in on possible legal and social implications.</p> <p><a href="">Watch the video</a>.</p> Wed, 11 Aug 2021 19:44:32 +0000 2624 at /maxbellschool The Institute for Research on Public Policy joins the Max Bell School Policy Scholars Program /maxbellschool/channels/news/institute-research-public-policy-joins-max-bell-school-policy-scholars-program-323091 <p><em>Three Policy Scholars, selected from the Max Bell School MPP class of 2020, will receive research fellowships with prominent Canadian policy think tanks.</em></p> <p>The Institute for Research on Public Policy (IRPP) has partnered with ƻԺ’s Max Bell School of Public Policy as a participating organization in the Policy Scholars program, a series of new research fellowships awarded annually to promising Max Bell School Master of Public Policy (MPP) students.</p> Thu, 02 Jul 2020 16:08:51 +0000 2041 at /maxbellschool Canada’s COVID-19 recovery plan | The Current /maxbellschool/channels/news/canadas-covid-19-recovery-plan-current-323165 <p>By how much will the pandemic cause federal spending to rise? How much revenue are we expecting to lose? And how will the Canadian government manage their debt and avoid a financial emergency? As the COVID-19 crisis continues to spread uncertainty across Canada and the around the world, economists and policymakers must ask themselves these questions and devise ways to manage the post-pandemic financial landscape.</p> Tue, 07 Jul 2020 17:07:20 +0000 2048 at /maxbellschool Max Bell School Partners launches Policy Scholars Program /maxbellschool/channels/news/max-bell-school-partners-launches-policy-scholars-program-323063 <p>Funded through a grant from the Max Bell Foundation, the Policy Scholars program provides Max Bell School MPP students with research fellowships at prominent Canadian policy organizations.</p> <p>ƻԺ’s Max Bell School of Public Policy has partnered with three distinguished Canadian think tanks for the inaugural year of the School’s Policy Scholars program — a series of research fellowships awarded annually to promising <a href="/maxbellschool/mpp-program/mpp-detail" target="_blank">Master of Public Policy</a> (MPP) students.</p> Tue, 30 Jun 2020 20:08:24 +0000 2039 at /maxbellschool Max Bell School partners with the C.D. Howe Institute for Policy Scholars Program /maxbellschool/channels/news/max-bell-school-partners-cd-howe-institute-policy-scholars-program-323167 <p><em>The Policy Scholars program provides Max Bell School MPP students with fellowships working in prominent Canadian policy organizations.</em></p> <p>The C.D. Howe Institute has partnered with ƻԺ’s Max Bell School of Public Policy as a participating organization in the Policy Scholars program, a series of new research fellowships awarded annually to promising <a href="/maxbellschool/mpp-program/mpp-detail">Max Bell School Master of Public Policy (MPP)</a> students.</p> Tue, 07 Jul 2020 17:21:01 +0000 2049 at /maxbellschool Max Bell MPP student selected for research fellowship with the Canada West Foundation /maxbellschool/channels/news/max-bell-mpp-student-selected-research-fellowship-canada-west-foundation-323243 <p><em>The Policy Scholars program is welcoming three exceptional members of the Max Bell School MPP class of 2020 to complete research fellowships with prominent Canadian policy think tanks.</em></p> <p>The Canada West Foundation has partnered with ƻԺ’s Max Bell School of Public Policy as a participating organization in the Policy Scholars program, a series of new research fellowships awarded annually to promising Max Bell School <a href="/maxbellschool/mpp-program/mpp-detail">Master of Public Policy (MPP)</a> students.</p> Mon, 13 Jul 2020 15:08:22 +0000 2057 at /maxbellschool Johns Hopkins SAIS and ƻԺ's Max Bell School of Public Policy launch cooperative degree program /maxbellschool/channels/news/johns-hopkins-sais-and-mcgill-universitys-max-bell-school-public-policy-launch-cooperative-degree-322763 <p>The Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) and ƻԺ’s Max Bell School of Public Policy have partnered to launch a cooperative degree program. This two-year program will enable students to earn a Master of Arts in International Affairs at SAIS Europe, the School’s European campus located in Bologna, Italy, and a <a href="/maxbellschool/mpp-program/mpp-detail">Master of Public Policy</a> from ƻԺ.</p> Mon, 15 Jun 2020 17:19:16 +0000 2007 at /maxbellschool Canada needs a new prescription for the pandemic recession | Maclean's /maxbellschool/channels/news/canada-needs-new-prescription-pandemic-recession-macleans-322551 <p>June 2, 2020 | The spread of the COVID-19 virus has resulted in a severe — and unique — recession, which continues to ravage many corners of the Canadian economy. What makes the current "pandemic" recession so different from a "normal" recession, and how should government policy reflect this reality? In this Maclean's article, Max Bell School Director Chris Ragan and Dr. Paul Boothe break down the role of governments and the shortcomings of conventional stimulus in this pandemic context.</p> Tue, 02 Jun 2020 16:12:00 +0000 1981 at /maxbellschool Engineering a ‘green recovery’ is a terrible idea | The Globe and Mail /maxbellschool/channels/news/engineering-green-recovery-terrible-idea-globe-and-mail-322517 <p>June 1, 2020 | In the coming weeks, the federal government is expected to begin crafting a stimulus package to lift Canada out of the economic crisis brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on which cabinet ministers have been assigned to the project, it seems clear the Liberals want to incorporate their climate goals into the package, addressing climate change and economic recovery at the same time. Is a stimulus package the best way to deal with a pandemic recession? And is mounting a “green recovery” the most efficient strategy for reducing greenhouse gas emissions?</p> Mon, 01 Jun 2020 14:22:24 +0000 1976 at /maxbellschool The Liberals and NDP have embraced contempt for Parliament | The National Post /maxbellschool/channels/news/liberals-and-ndp-have-embraced-contempt-parliament-national-post-322521 <p>June 1, 2020 | Recently, a two party agreement was reached in Parliament: the NDP supported the Liberals’ motion to suspend regular sittings of Parliament until September, while the Liberals promised to push for a federal policy guaranteeing 10 days of paid sick leave to workers. Given the social distancing guidelines espoused by health experts, is the continued suspension of in-person Parliamentary proceedings actually in the interest of public health? Or is it a ploy by the Liberals to avoid answering tough questions and dealing with non-COVID political issues?</p> Mon, 01 Jun 2020 15:11:47 +0000 1977 at /maxbellschool Implementing the 2030 Agenda: Global Governance and the Rise of Non-State Actors /maxbellschool/channels/event/implementing-2030-agenda-global-governance-and-rise-non-state-actors-300514 <p><em>This talk by Prof. Sonia Laszlo is part of our Fall 2019 Policy Lecture series. These academic talks are intended for ƻԺ graduate students and faculty.</em></p> Wed, 11 Sep 2019 14:21:02 +0000 1572 at /maxbellschool The Mating Game /maxbellschool/channels/event/mating-game-300521 <p><em>This talk with Sally Armstrong is part of our Fall 2019 Policy Lectures Series. It is open to the general public in addition to ƻԺ faculty and students. </em></p> Wed, 11 Sep 2019 15:04:34 +0000 1578 at /maxbellschool Medicare@50 /maxbellschool/channels/event/medicare50-300513 <p><em>This talk with David Wright is part of our Fall 2019 Policy Lectures Series. These academic talks are intended for ƻԺ graduate students and faculty.</em></p> Wed, 11 Sep 2019 14:16:59 +0000 1571 at /maxbellschool